June 7, 2013
After the year and review, the FOE committee made multiple recommendations for work. These activities have begun and we intend to review our: ◦ Activities Completed during 2012/13 ◦ Plans for 2013/14
Project Coordinator Research Pilot Call campaign for Non-returning Students Task Force for New Students New Student Processes Early Alert Positions created Diversity and Internationalization of CCC’s campus
Project Coordinator Connected with recent applicants to turn them into enrollees and provided them with resources to get started. Developed a pilot test of the Early Alert system Coordinated of the development of an online New Student Experience Edited the Student Handbook. Documented current graduation processes and deadlines for future planning, worked with executive assistant to the V.P. and helped as needed.
Research Pilot ◦ Small reorganization of Student Services areas: Enrollment Services= Recruitment, Admissions, Testing, Financial Aid, and Registration Student and Academic Support Services = Advising, Graduation Services (of transcripts) and Career Services ◦ As One Teams- cross functional teams from ES & SASS: Each team serves a large cohorts of students. Transfer students Career and technical students Developmental and undecided students.
Call Campaign for Departing Students ◦ Part 1 - Fall 2012 through Winter Break 2,800 on the list of “non-returning” from Fall 2011 1,129 were contacted 120 responded to a series of questions Learning: this is a challenging task! Refine questions. Sort list to get a better sample
Call Campaign for Departing Students ◦ Part 2 - Winter 2013/on-going 600 students who did not successfully complete Fall 2012 150 students were contacted and surveyed Survey included basic questions from Part 1 (what happened?) and the cost and affordability of CCC the ease or difficulty of navigating processes like financial aid and admissions. if they struggled academically if family responsibilities took priority over education
Task Force for New Students Emerged from the FoE Steering Committee for the purpose of building systems to be ready for our future initiatives. ◦ Example, CCC was not able to easily provide data about the courses with high DWFI grades. Our Institutional Research Department created a website that shows data based on a variety of sorts (term, course, department, etc.) so that we can now access information to make decisions. Our next steps are to encourage departments to use the new tools and adjust their processes, instruction or programs to address any issues they see based on the high DWFI data.
New Student Processes (AKA “The Mandatories”) ◦ Admissions application ◦ Orientation/New Student Experience ◦ Placement Testing ◦ Advising Research indicates that students who complete the above activities have a better chance of success and completion vs. those who don’t.
Early Alert ◦ Pilot study in Spring 2013 with Faculty teaching selected developmental reading, writing and math courses ◦ A reporting form was developed ◦ Instructors were able to provide the Student Support Specialist/Project Coordinator with student names and contact information, the issue that faculty observed or inferred, and a suggested resource for the student. ◦ Learning: Provide flexible reporting systems and develop an on- line reporting system that is integrated into myClackamas
Student Success Coordinator ◦ Hired (reassigned from another area) and will begin on July 1, 2013 ◦ Will continue efforts started by the Project Coordinator Career Services Specialist ◦ Hired ◦ Redeveloped the Career Center
Diversity and Internationalization Efforts ◦ Meetings regarding rejuvenating Multicultural initiatives happened this year ◦ Mini-Grant awarded to Ida Flippo to conduct an Internationalization assessment during Summer 2013.
Create New Student Philosophy Statement Continue Exploring Instructional Models ◦ Flipped Classroom ◦ OnCourse Curriculum Continue supporting faculty advising Continue diversity work Redeveloped SEM/FOE committee for on-going student success initiatives.
What are you thinking? How do FoE projects fit in with your daily work? Would you like to be involved next year?