My Service Project Tyler Pence
Habitat For Humanity During Summer 2011, a group of my high school friends and I ventured down to Danville, VA, a town with many houses that were uninhabited or foreclosed on.
Under the House One thing my friends and I fixed up during our trip was the wiring and leveling under the house. The house was slowly sliding off of its leveling and was bound to fall over in a short period of time. We had to break the brick in a section under the house, wire lighting through the basement, fix the supports that were slipping under pressure, and put in new wiring for electricity.
Outside the House The outside was a lot more work than the inside. Outside, we built a shed, as well as tore down an entire wall of the house and put up a new one. The kitchen had experienced a fire before we had arrived, and it still had not been fixed. We also had to mine our way through the solid soil on the outside, which to be replaced with a flowerbed.
Inside the House Inside the house was the area that needed the most work. We sawed out half of the plywood floor of the attic and added a staircase, making the attic into a master bedroom. The kitchen floor had to be redone because of the fire. We built an entire staircase in three days. We had to put up the plywood on the inner side of the kitchen as well.
The Completed Project The picture to the right shows the house that we worked on. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures after the work we put into it. The trip was a lot more than just building a house. My friends and I had a great week that is going to stick with us for a long time.