Things to do... Contemporary science issues Lesson 15: Are mobile phones bad for your health? © 2006 Gatsby Technical Education Projects
Things to do... Mobile Telephones Positioning a new mast in Sometown.
Things to do... Starter Visible light is just one example of an Electromagnetic (EM) wave. There are 7 main types of EM waves and these are shown on some of the cards in front of you. Working in groups, your task is to sort the cards into the correct order starting with the longest wavelength waves going to the shortest wavelengths. Which waves have the highest frequency and which the lowest? Can you match the uses and dangers to the correct wave?
Things to do... Mobile phones have recently been in the news for their possible risks to human health. There is currently no evidence to conclusively say if mobile phones and the masts used to transmit the phones signals are safe or not. These tasks are designed to make you think about the need for scientific evidence when proposing a theory or making a claim.
Things to do... Task 1 Scientific evidence is important when you propose a new theory or make a claim. Why do you think this is? You have been given 2 mock newspaper articles and a mock press release from a fictional phone company. Read the articles and answer the questions you have been given.
Things to do... Task 2 Sort yourselves into groups of 3 or 4. Make sure that you have a sheet entitled – Main Task 2 and a Map One person within each group must make notes throughout the task. You will be given 5 minutes to read the sheet and complete the first part of the task You have been given 4 information cards, you must NOT look at these until you are told. You will be given 10 minutes to use the information on each card.
Things to do... Which site did your group choose? You must now present your choice to the public (your group) and present the evidence that supports your choice.