MOOC on M4D 2013 S PEECH T ECHNOLOGY FOR M OBILE P HONES Rajesh Hegde Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Commonwealth of Learning Vancouver
MOOC on M4D 2013 About the speaker Faculty Member in the Dept. of at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Research Areas : Speech Recognition on Embedded and Mobile devices for Indian Languages Pervasive Computing and Communication for Socially Relevant Applications
MOOC on M4D 2013 Topics to be Covered How can speech technology be used for developing applications on a mobile phone ? What is Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text to speech synthesis (TTS) ? What are the challenges in implementing ASR and TTS systems on a mobile phone ? What are the potential applications of speech technology in delivering personalized services on a mobile phone ? A personalized voice based service on mobile phones in several Indian Languages : Digital Mandi for the Indian A Hindi speech recognition based system on the mobile phone for accessing agro-commodity prices for the Farmer.