Association EURATOM-Belgian State LPP-ERM/KMS SCK-CEN ULB M.Van Schoor, V.Massaut, D.Carati
ITER antenna design (in the framework of CYCLE) : - MWS Modelling, full (1/4 scale) mock up of ITER Antenna Array - Design work in Culham design office (collaboration with CCFE, CEA, MPI-IPP) - Coupling studies : influence of detailed shape of n e profile in front of antenna ICRF Heating experiments on TEXTOR - Study of effect of gas injection (+ 3D modelling of fields at TEXTOR antenna) - ICRF induced rotation Plasma Startup and Conditioning using ICRF or ECRF : - Experiments on ASDEX-Upgrade (and other devices) Antenna sheath effects - Extending TOPICA calculations taking into account sheath boundary condition (collaboration with IShTAR test stand, IPP-Garching) ICRF modelling and theory : - 1D depostion code TOMCAT-U and 2D deposition triangles code - FP modelling of ICRF at arbitrary harmonics and for non-Maxw. distributions ICRF studies for W7X PPP&T participation on heating LPP-ERM/KMS
Diagnostics development for ITER (FOCS, as back up for inductive measurements for long pulses and radiation resistance) Diagnostics qualification under radiations (gamma and neutrons) Plasma wall interactions testing (with actual tritiated plasma and on Be first walls samples !) Detritiation service of liquids and solids (incl. Be) SCK-CEN
General theory of plasma transport/turbulence –Impurity transport –Gyrokinetic simulations Development of –non linear transport closure module for transport codes –MHD codes for toroidal geometry –Smooth particle hydrodynamic codes –CFD solvers for liquid metal flows ULB
CYCLE Consortium ICRH Matching system ICRH Arc detection systems FOCS diagnostics Tungsten for the divertor Qualification of ITER first mirrors... Objective 1 : ITER Construction
ICRH: diagnostics, modelling, system design Alfa particle diagnostics Turbulence studies / control Plasma conditioning and startup studies Objective 2 : ITER Operation
PhDs and Master thesis within the 3 Research Units Organisation (within TEC) of the Carolus Magnus Summer Course Lot of possibilities for education and training through the TEC agreement (with FOM and FZJ) In preparation : Erasmus Mundus Doctoral college, coordinated by UGent Objective 3 : Education / Training
Participation in the Broader Approach –JT-60SA: ICRH exp and cold test facility for the TF –IFMIF: mostly on the test facility, including a fission reactor irradiation for design validation DEMO design and R&D activities: –ICRH and wall conditioning systems/scenarios –Diagnostics –Materials –PWI Participation in EU facilities –JET, W7X, ASDEX-Upgrade, IShTAR, TEC, VISIONI... Objective 4 : Contribution to Fusion Power Plants
Some Belgian views on the fusion roadmap Our considerations are guided by the assumption that the yearly EURATOM budget to the EU Associations will be at the level of that of Associations have been the backbone of the programme since the beginning. Smaller Associations need EURATOM support to survive The “fast” time schedule up to DEMO should be maintained, including material testing starting soon. We would like to continue with JET as the most relevant community machine for ITER scenarios preparation until the start of ITER. We do not favour a D -T experiment in 2015, but think that a strong phase of tritium handling and experimentation should take place to the end of the life of the device. The financing of an EU satellite should come second to IFMIF or an alternative. Participation in the operation of AUG, JT-60 AS or W7X can replace what JET provides in training and testing. By its participation in ITER, the EU fusion programme provides already a lot of new innovation and competitiveness for industry. This will be further boosted by a strong material development.