Modelling of Complex Urban Systems and Areas of Possible Improvements Dr Žarko Stevanović Belgrade University Institute of Nuclear Sciences - VINČA
MODELLING - CONCEPT Natural Phenomena Modelling Quantification - CFD
NATURAL PHENOMENA etc. Fluid Flow (Air Movement, Turbulence, Buoyancy) Heat Transfer (Conduction, Convection, Radiation) Mass Transfer (Pollution Dispersion) Phase Changes (Vaporization, Solidification) Combustion (Heat and Smoke Realize) etc.
MODELLING BUILT ENVIRONMENT - SCOPE Adaptations Urban design: heat islands and street canyon effects Building design and adaptations for protection against temperature, pollution, fire and flood risks Mitigation Urban design, structure and organization to promote low GHG emissions and healthy living Energy efficiency / Low carbon design of buildings: impact on indoor environments
Heat Islands Effects Rural Areas Urban Areas
Street Canyon Effects Isolated Roughness Flow Skimming Flow Wake Interface Flow Skimming Flow
Urban Pollution Effects Point source pollution : - Chimney Line source pollution: – Urban Traffic
MODELLING BUILT ENVIRONMENT - METHODOLOGIES Experimental: Wind – tunnel investigation Modelling: Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD )
Experimental – Wind Tunnel
Heat Islands Effects Urban Model: Buildings Streets Greenery Water Surfaces Surface – Fasade Temperatures Ž. Stevanović, 2013
Street Canyon Effects Urban Model of Glasgow City Center Horizontal components of velocity vector at the George Square Surface – Fasade Air Velocity D. Mumović and Ž. Stevanović, 2002
Urban Pollution Effects Urban Model of Copenhagen City Center New building fasade NOx distribution – Natural ventilation study Surface – Fasade NOx Distribution Ž. Stevanović, 2008
Outdoor / Indoor Impact Fasade Design Detailes Natural Ventilation Study Velocity Vectors and Air Stream Lines Ž. Stevanović, 2008
Indoor Thermal Comfort Open Office Model Predicted Mean Vote Distribution Ž. Stevanović, 2012
Indoor Air Quality Theatre “Terazije” - Belgrade Model Iso-surface of CO2 concentration M. Kavgić and Ž. Stevanović, 2007
Indoor Risk Fire Assessment 3D Geometry of Belgrade Airport Terminal 2 Visualization of 100 oC temperature iso-surface, spreading during the fire Ž. Stevanović, 2006
Dr Žarko Stevanović +381 63 8468 799 Contact details Dr Žarko Stevanović +381 63 8468 799