SAAB/B2B SAAS/S2S Financial Literacy education UC Scholarship Administration Khalilah A Shabazz Director for Student Success
Mission: To enhance the transition and success of minority students by addressing academic, social, and personal matters that have an impact on persistence. GOALOBJECTIVEOUTCOMES 1. To improve the retention rates of African American & Latino/a males and females served by University College. a. Offer support services to entering/continuing AA males & females. b. Develop programming specific to the needs of AA males and females. c. Consult with students about their academic barriers and develop solutions. Stay abreast of best practices regarding retention of minority students particularly those attending predominantly white institutions. a. Developed relationships (peer-peer and Advisor-student) b. Student personal and professional development. c. Student equipped with successful strategies to be retained until graduation.
Fall 2009 –Fall 2010 Retention BeganRetained (1 yr) Retention Rate African American % (-64) Latino/Hispanic % (-26) Other (all other races) % (-653) Fall 2010-Spring 2011 Retention BeganRetained (1 semester) Retention Rate African American % (-38) Latino/Hispanic % (-6) Other (all other races) % (-257) 2004 Beginner graduation rates BeganReceived Degree Graduation Rate African American % Latino/Hispanic % Other (all other races) %
Where do I fit it in?
Communications immediately upon acceptance to IUPUI. Encouraged participation in summer bridge program ($ added value) Summer bridge – end of the day programming for males and females. Academic course load review Early warning follow up Referral to campus resources – Tutoring, CAPS, AES, Health Services, etc. Problem solving Mid and end of the semester in-person contacts Communication to non-enrolled students (non-returners) Relationship Building/Mentoring Tailored workshops/meetings either bi-weekly or weekly Professional development opportunities
Quick Facts: In 2009 – 102 males and 122 females participated in some capacity in programming. Meeting attendance ranges from 15 to 75 students per meeting. In the 2010 – 2011 AY – Had 324 student interactions (per sign in sheet in the MSC) Participated in over 20 community service activities both campus-wide and independent. Program – Year to Year retention of Cohorts NFall- to- Fall Retention Rate Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB) % AA males at IUPUI7265% Student African American Sisterhood (SAAS) % AA females at IUPUI16476% Program Fall 2010 – First semester retention NFall to Spring Retention Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB) % AA STUDENTS at IUPUI % Student African American Sisterhood (SAAS) % AA STUDENTS at IUPUI %
Feel free to refer students anytime… Contact information: Khalilah A Shabazz MSC115F