Ecology of Student Success at Michigan State University Kristen A. Renn, PhD Professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies/Director for Student Success Initiatives December 11, 2014
Agenda Context Ecology of Student Success Teaching and Learning MSU Neighborhood Engagement and Student Success Initiatives
Context: MSU’s Opportunity Gap
National Average
Creating an Ecology of Student Success Student is embedded in ecosystem Student System Learning, development, and success require increasing complexity/demands Different niches support different characteristics
STUDENT friendship groups roommate Micro- system academic classes job Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem Parents’/s pouses’ workplace federal fin aid policy faculty curric comtee cultural expectations instl policy makers historical trends & events social forces Immigration/ naturalization policy Bronfenbrenner’s Model of Developmental Ecology (Renn & Arnold, 2003)
Academic Microsystems STUDENT friendship groups roommate Micro- system Classroom job Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem parents’ or spouses’ workplace federal fin aid policy faculty curric comtee cultural expectations instl policy makers historical trends & events social forces Immigration/ naturalization policy
Teaching & Learning as Microsystem Assignments Classroom Norms Syllabus Course Structure Group Work Expectations & Norms In-Class Activities Civility Collaborative & Cooperative Activities Individual Activities Forms of Address Language Assessments of Learning Student Assessments of Teaching Online Elements
Multiple Systems…
Physical Organizational Learning Organizational Co-location of services Academic advising Tutoring in math, chemistry, writing & economics Career planning Health services & health education Leadership development Housing, dining, fitness and recreation Intercultural education Integrated Academic and Student Services Student Support Teams Neighborhood Core Teams Pillars - Residential - Health & Wellness - Purpose & Devt - Intercultural - Academic Use data to inform real-time learning interventions Research & Assessment Promote Student Success Data generated in Neighborhoods, with campus partners, and by instructors Continuous improvement through evaluation Create knowledge, test and diffuse innovations
Neighborhood Engagement Initiatives Spartan Success Scholars Student Success Coaching Pilot Nbhd Academic Engagement Program Dow STEM Scholars Collaboration Partnerships with Colleges (faculty, advisors) MAP-Works Early Warning System TA Training Assessment, Research, & Collaboration Segmentation, learning analytics
Goal: Create a Campus-Wide Ecosystem for Student Success through Organizational Transformation Cross-functional Evidence-based Experimental/Innovative Empowering students, administrators, faculty to try new ways of supporting success and creating equitable outcomes