Major Theories of Literacy Learning and Language Development Kenneth Kunz, Ed.M. Rutgers University Reading Specialization
Skinner’s Learning Theory What is Behaviorism? Learning consists of the acquisition of new behaviors. Stimulus vs. Response Skinner’s Learning Theory Operant conditioning Conditioning stimulus-response (S-R) associations through reinforcement Shaping behavior through selective reinforcement
Cognitivism Jean Piaget- 1896-1980 Assimilation & Accommodations Humans are active participants in their own learning rather than passive participants. Jean Piaget- 1896-1980 Assimilation & Accommodations
Social-Constructivism We learn from and with others (socially) L.S. Vygotsky-studied the importance of social factors in cognitive development Vygotsky (1896-1934)
The Zone of Proximal Development "the distance between a child's actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the higher level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers" (Vygotsky)
Scaffolding David Wood (based on Bruner’s Theory) The support and guidance provided by an adult or more capable peer Goals: The learner should not succeed too easily, nor fail too often
Cognitive Behavior Approach Students are aware of their learning and set goals and understand desired behaviors Self-monitoring occurs as students track their progress Often involves checklists, behavior-modifications, etc.
Reader Response Theory Transactional Approach: The reader actively constructs meaning from the text and makes connections to his or her own life. Rosenblatt (1978) Classroom uses: Reader’s Response Journals, Post-It Notes, etc.
Reflections on Literacy Research: The Decades of the 1970’s, 1980’s, & 1990’s 50’s and 60’s Emphasis on Phonics, Skills, Little meaning or comprehension work until third grade. Standardized testing Direct and Behaviorist Instruction Experimental and Control Group Research
1970’s -Dolores Durkin-Reading Comprehension (Meaning and Understanding) -Kenneth Goodman-Meaning from Print -Marie Clay-Cognitive Processing -Louise Rosenblatt-Transactional (Reader’s Response Theory) Research moves toward observable and describable case studies and analysis of conversations.
1980’s Socio-Cultural Concerns: What different languages, cultures, families, environments, and socio-economic status (SES) issues have to do with reading success? Whole Language Approach: Children’s Interests are Important (Developing a Love for Reading (Marie Clay, Kenneth & Yetta Goodman) Donald Graves: Writing Process Approach
Where does that leave us now? Marilyn Adams: Skill Development & Phonics Marie Clay: Strong influence on systematic, intensive instruction Where does that leave us now?
2000 to Present More direct instruction More skill-based Balanced Literacy More direct instruction More skill-based More accountability Scientific-based reading research (SBRR) Why does the pendulum swing so much?