Proposed DRAFT New City Ordinance for Water Use in Landscaped Areas Public Meeting September 15, 2009
Purpose of New Ordinance: To promote the efficient use of water. To prevent wasting water by setting a “water budget” for projects with landscaping. For the City to implement the standards of the State Model Water Efficient Ordinance.
State Ordinance Background: 1993: Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance became State law. 2006: AB1881 directed the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to update the Ordinance. Feb. 9, 2009: DWR submitted the final text to the Office of Administrative Law. Jan. 1, 2010: Local Agencies are required to adopt the Ordinance or write their own that is at least effective.
Estimated Timeline: June 2009: City Commission Meetings for Information September 2009: Public Outreach October 2009: Draft Ordinance November 2009: City Council Meetings December 2009: Ordinance to be Adopted in accordance with CEQA/Initial Study.
Properties Potentially Affected by the Ordinance: Golf Courses Public Parks Private Schools Commercial, Mixed-Use, Institutional Projects Multi-Family Projects Single-Family Homes
Ordinance is NOT Applicable to: Individually designated local, state, or federal historical sites (not districts). Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation system. Botanical gardens and arboretums open to the public.
When is the City’s Review Required? New or Rehabilitated Landscapes: When a Building Permit, Plan Check, or Design Review is Required. Existing Landscapes Over 1 Acre All
New Ordinance Applicability: Applicant TypeAmount of Landscaped Area Project Type Homeowner (Owner- Occupant) 5,000 sq.ft. or Larger New or Rehabilitated Landscapes Public Agencies, Private Development 2,500 sq.ft. or Larger New or Rehabilitated Landscapes Public Agencies, Private Development One Acre or Larger Existing Landscapes
Summary of the Ordinance: Maximum Applied Water Allowance means the maximum annual amount of water, in gallons, that any landscape project is allowed to use for the landscaped area. Estimated Total Water Use means the total water used for the landscape project. Estimated Total Water Use shall not exceed Maximum Applied Water Allowance under the Ordinance.
“Landscape Areas” Include: Planting Areas Turf Areas Pools and other Water Features Synthetic Grass Edible Plants Parkways
“Landscape Areas” Do Not Include: Sidewalks Driveways Parking Lots Decks, Patios Gravel or Stone Walks Other Hardscape Undeveloped Areas without Irrigation (e.g. Open Spaces and Existing Native Vegetation)
Sample Case: Small Single-Family Lot Street Driveway (10’X120’) Front Yard Residence (31’X55’) Walkway (3’X33’) Rear Yard Garage (20’X20’) TYPICAL SMALL SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY IN PASADENA: Site Area:7,500 sq.ft. Building Coverage:1,900 sq.ft. - Residence: 1,500 sq.ft. - Garage: 400 sq.ft. Paving 1,300 sq.ft. - Driveway: 1,200 sq.ft. - Walkway: 100 sq.ft. Remaining Area: 4,300 sq.ft. (Less than 5,000 sq.ft. can be Landscaped – Not Applicable)
Sample Case: Larger Single-Family Lot 150’ LARGER SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY IN PASADENA: Site Area: 13,000 sq.ft. Building Coverage:3,000 sq.ft. - Residence:2,600 sq.ft. - Garage: 400 sq.ft. Paving 1,400 sq.ft. - Driveway/Porch: 900 sq.ft. - Walkway: 200 sq.ft. - Patio: 300 sq.ft. Remaining Area: 8,600 sq.ft. (May be Applicable if more than 5,000 sq.ft. is Re-landscaped) Pool Driveway (20X40’) Front Yard Rear Yard Existing House Porch Patio Walkway (4’X50’)
Review Process: City Review of Landscape Documentation Package (Must be Prepared by Licensed Landscape/Irrigation Professional) City Approval of Final Plan Ongoing Auditing/Monitoring Possible Penalties for Non-Compliance New and Rehabilitated Landscapes:
Review Process: Irrigation Audits, Irrigation Surveys, and/or Irrigation Water Use Analyses Required. Audits shall be Conducted by a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor Water Waste Prevention Ongoing Auditing/Monitoring Program most likely to be coordinated with PWP’s larger water conservation plan. Existing Landscapes (Over 1 Acre Sites):
Questions? Go to: e/ord/updatedOrd.cfm#final e/ord/updatedOrd.cfm#final Contact Current Planning Section: John Steinmeyer (626) Natsue Sheppard (626)