FEATURE CUES FOR TEACHING Law of Effect Stimulus Punishment and Reward Response “Pleasurable consequences, motivate performance” *Meeting a deadline for Term Paper * Law of Exercise Stimulus Practice Feedback Enhancement Response “Practice with feedback, enhances performance” *Reporting in the class * Law of Readiness Stimulus Readiness Response Edward Thorndike's theory “ Preparedness means better performance” *Reminding the class of having an oral recitation.
FEATURECUES FOR TEACHING Classical Conditioning * Every group activity has a point system. The group with the highest points at the end of the session will get incentives in the form of additional points directly to their quizzes. John B. Watson's Theory
FEATURECUES FOR TEACHING 1.Behavior that is positively reinforced with reoccur; intermittent reinforcement is particularly effective. 2. Information should be presented in small amounts so that response can be reinforced ( “shaping”) 3. Reinforce will generalize across similar stimulus ( “ stimulus generalization “) producing secondary conditioning. 1.Practice should take the form of question ( stimulus) – answer (response) frames which expose the student to the subject and gradual steps. 2. Require that the learner makes a response for every frame and receives immediate feedback 3. Try to arrange the difficulty of the questions so the response is always correct and hence, a positive reinforcement 4.Ensure that good performance in the lesson in paired with secondary reinforces such as verbal praise, prizes and good grades. Frederick Skinner’s Theory
O bservational Learning M odeling and Selection I mitation ObservationSelectionImitation GROUP WORKS CUES FOR TEACHING += SocialCognitive += Learning Students will learn through group sharing of individual experiences and perspective. Students will learn from one another through collaborative group works. There is mutual benefit of learning. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory FEATURE
CUES FOR TEACHING Stimulus 1+2 +Stimulus 4=R/L (present stimulus) * Reading * During 1 st meeting the teacher will teach the students how to read stories. * 2 nd meeting the teacher will teach them proper postures for reading. * At the 3 rd meeting the class will have reading exercises. Edward Tolman's theory
Resources: * Bandura, A., Grusec, J. E., & Menlove, F. L. (1966). Observational learning as a function of symbolization and incentive set. Child Development, 37, * al_learning_theory.htm *Hall, R.(1998, March). Classical Conditioning. Retrieved January 19, 2011 from the World Wide Web:
Tasking *Gueverra justine - Researcher (Tolman) *Rivera, Christian Conrad - Researcher (Watson) * Lisondra, Marietoni -Researcher (Thorndike) *Odan, Grace -Researcher (Skinner) *Ochigue, Christle Mae -Researcher (Bandura)