Communicating your business plan to investors James Hoggan & Associates June 25, 2002
Keys to communicating your business plan 1.Discuss business value drivers 2.Clearly define stage of development 3.Explain your business roadmap 4.Set and meet milestones 5.Know what investors think 6.Develop and follow a clear communications plan
Overview Selling your story…………….Terry McDonald Communications planning ……Karen Cook Boas
Business Plan Value Drivers IP protection for technology Attractive commercial potential Management with track record Financial strength
Business Plan Value Drivers (cont’d) Big pharma partnership Third-party validation Technology platform Pipeline Growing revenues and profits
Technology Stage Research Pre-clinical Clinical stage: early, middle or late NDA filed Approval Commercial launch Revenues and profits
Road Map for Investors Where did you begin? Where are you now? How far have you come in the past year? Where will you be in the next year? What is your ultimate destination? How are you going to get there?
The Business of Milestones Milestones help you communicate progress Milestones help non-experts monitor your progress Measurable milestones vs. hot air
They love us, they love us not Know what investors expect. Know what you can achieve. Make sure the achievements and expectations jive.
Competence + integrity = credibility Selling the story
Communications Planning Karen Cook Boas
Why plan? strategic approach “roadmap” builds agreement educates team
Structure Consider format: chronological, by issue, by audience: 1.Overview/Analysis 2.Goal and measurable objectives 3.Target audiences 4.Strategies and Tactics 5.Action plan/Timeline
Overview/Analysis Where are we now? research-based analysis management’s and investors’ perspective challenges and opportunities
Goal and measurable objectives demonstrate progress and achievements gauge success of program examples: –# of participants on conference calls –# of media articles –analysts covering company –new meetings during roadshows –new cities on roadshows
Target audiences decision makers influencers examples: –analysts/institutions- government –employees- patients –Media- retail investors –investigators/clinicians- VC’s
Strategies address challenges and maximize opportunities tied to research and objectives examples: –research based key messages –regularly scheduled investor meetings –designated, trained spokespeople
Tactics outline specific tasks to implement each strategy examples: –news releases –teleconferences –roadshows –one-on-ones –contact lists
Action Plan/Timeline month-by-month plan of activities assigns and tracks responsibilities and due dates
Other Items? news release approval process handling media inquiries disclosure policy employee blackout policy
Keys to communicating your business plan 1.Discuss business value drivers 2.Clearly define stage of development 3.Explain your business roadmap 4.Set and meet milestones 5.Know what investors think 6.Develop and follow a clear communications plan