Standards and interoperability –To discuss best practice examples of the use of technical standards –To identify which standards are used, how, and what benefits are delivered (objectives from DoW) 2
Prioritized issues Metadata standards (application profiles, strategies for vocabularies, curriculum mapping) Providing best practice examples of the use of standards with proven benefits – and examples not to follow Facilitating exchange of metadata across repositories Facilitating exchange between repositories and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)/Learning Management Systems (LMS) 3
First workshop, January 2008, London National IEEE LOM application profiles Vocabularies and curriculum linking Beyond LOM…. Automated metadata generation LMS as barrier to content flow Common format for IWB files 4
Metadata creation by professional indexers is too expensive – quality of metadata produced by authors often not sufficient: Better solutions needed (tagging; (semi-) automatic metadata creation; integration into authoring tools; context aware metadata creation …). Most repositories currently do some sort of validation/moderation/augmentation of teacher produced metadata Many repositories have implemented automatic generation of a number of metadata elements (most notably: file type/size; user details; dates). Current developments/experiments are targeting elements such as: title, keywords, description OAI-PMH is the protocol for metadata harvesting 5
Perceived accuracy of autogenerated metadata follow AMG- UC study lead by IntrallectAMG- UC study 6
LMS integration 7
Second workshop, Oegstgeest, February 2009 Meeting user needs Designing for humans first, machines second Authentication and authorization 8
Thematic synthesis report Due in august 2009 Request for updates to survey (repository profiles) Linking with ASPECT, iCOPER… Main focus on perspective and status as seen from different stakeholders / user groups 9
Rights issues To identify, discuss, document and produce guidelines, agreements and roadmaps for issues concerning intellectual property rights concerning repositories of learning resources (objective from DoW) 10
Prioritized issues Licensing schemes (consequences for remixing; Creative Commons; presenting usage rights; cross border concerns …) Relevant policies and initiatives (open educational resources; education of content creators; free access to content produced for public money; incentives for commercial producers …) Rights clearance practices (guidance to educators; strategies for providing copyright cleared material for education …) 11
1st workshop, Ljubljana, March 2008 Mindmap on rights issues for repository owners Open Licensing Schemes (CC by far most widespread – but still only implemented to limited degree) Guidance material for teachers – how, when, format.. 12
2nd workshop, Warwick, March 2009 How to reduce complexity Risk management strategies Lack of coherent strategies (outside individual projects/products); influencing copyright legislation; choice of licensing conditions Strong link between current business models for publishers Collection of awareness raising activities 13
”Agreement templates” report Examples of: –Terms of Use – Deposit Licenses – Repository owner guidelines 14
Thematic synthesis report Due in September 2009 Request for update of survey (repository profiles) Main focus includes: -Repository policies/strategies -Presenting usage rights -Guidance/awareness raising examples -Gap between legislation and user behaviour 15
Loose ends - things we missed? 16
Images from flickr (all CC-BY license) Ostrich: Donkey braying: Loose ends (string theory): School bus on beach: Brain coral: photo/ / photo/ / The law: