Auburn University Gas Turbine Hot Section Optimization: Overview Drew Curriston (graduated Spring 14) developed a 2D turbine blade optimization code ESTurb ESTurb combines the use of an Evolution Strategy algorithm with the use of Bezier curves to optimize a 2D turbine blade shape Must faster than conventional optimizers, but currently only provides optimization for 2D blade shapes Caitlin Thorn (current PhD Student) is continuing work involves modifying ESTurb to be a 3D turbine blade optimizer with 3D turbomachinery CFD codes TCGrid and SWIFT for higher fidelity solutions and Multiblock capability provides Gas Turbines provide a fuel diverse option for energy conversion.
Auburn University Hot Section Optimization: Background
Auburn University Aerothermal Results Three separate runs were completed using the updated objective function 3
Auburn University Run 1 grid 4 Run 1 stage pressure contours
Auburn University Hot Section Optimization: Future Work 1.Define parent turbine blade control points 2.Use ES move operator to mutate control points for offspring 3.Define turbine geometry using Bezier/NURBS curves 4.Calculate solution from TCGrid and SWIFT CFD code 5.Calculate objective functions from solution 6.Redefine parent turbine blade control points as best obj functions airfoil Calculate objective functions Establish new control points 3D and Multirow Optimization Bezier and NURBS curves to form 3D turbine blade geometry + Control Points + ESTurb