STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Report of the Task Force on Statistics on International.


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Presentation transcript:

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Report of the Task Force on Statistics on International Trade in Services (TFSITS) Bangkok March 2009 OECD Statistics Directorate Agenda Item : 3.2 Agenda …, STD/SES/TAGS; 2 nd WPTGS Meeting , Paris

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Outline 1)Promoting trade in services statistics also in emerging and developing countries 2) Future compilation Guidance 3) Problems of data quality and historical consistency across International Organisations (IO) 4) Comparison of data collection 5) Main Objective: Review country comments collected during second worldwide (WWC2) consultation (29 Aug - 24 Nov 2008) 2

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics 1)Promoting trade in services statistics. General: UNSD Task Force Website and Newsletter UNECLAC: Statistics in LAC according to BPM5, partner country and FATS very limited or not available. SEMINARS UNSD seminar for Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries providing training to both NSOs and CBs. Eurostat: workshops on implementation BPM6 and BD4 for EU-27 World Tourism Organization: Laos mid-2009, CIS third quarter 2009 WTO and WB: capacity building South Africa mid June 2009, Zambia Nov UNSD seminar on TIS in Rio de Janeiro December 2009 Possibility of yearly TFSITS seminar. 3

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics 2) Future Compilation Guide on Trade in Services Statistics Agreement to develop Guide focusing on Statistical issues (data collection, enterprise surveys, administrative data sources). Should not duplicate BPM6 compilation guide (to be started in 2010). Task Force (19-20 Nov) will discuss possible experts. Modular approach – available on internet. Question on separate User Guide remains open. 4

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics 3) Problems of data quality and historical consistency TF concerned about consistency of trade in services data across IO databases. Include issues of breaks treated differently, misallocations, countries using former version of BPM, different sources serving different IO. Need to check consistency both between national source and across IO. Further discussed TFSITS meeting in November

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics 4) Comparison of international data collection OECD proposal to design and agree on common framework for IOs was welcomed by TF. OECD would nominate expert to elaborate a stocktaking document, including the issues of vintages, exchange rates used, data providers. Explore the new technical possibilities offered by SDMX. 6

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of country comments Following the WWC2 (29 Aug-24 November 2008), 100 replies collected (77 elaborated). Covered 5 chapters and 2 annexes. In general countries were supporting the Manual Majority of questions (34) were related to the revision of the Extended Balance of Payments Services (EBOPS) classification 7

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Structure of MSITS /2 Summary (new draft) => All Chapter 1 => Introduction (UNSD) Chapter 2 => Conceptual framework (WTO) Chapter 3 => Services Transactions between Residents and Non-residents (IMF) Chapter 4 => Foreign affiliates statistics and the international supply of services (OECD) Chapter 5 => Trade in services statistics by modes of supply (WTO) 8

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Structure of MSITS /2 Annex I (EBOPS 2010) => IMF/OECD Annex II (EBOPS 2010-CPC Rev.2) UNSD/IMF and (EBOPS 2010-GNS/W/120) => WTO Annex III (ICFA-EBOPS 2010) => Eurostat/UNSD Annex IV (GATS extract) => unchanged Annex V (GNS/W/120 list) => unchanged Annex VI (TSA and IRTS) => UNWTO Annex VII (analytical Annex) => OECD, BEA, WTO and WHO Glossary => UNCTAD Bibliography =>UNSD Acronym list => UNCTAD 9

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2 Chapter 1(UNSD) Availability of chapters in english had restricted the number of country replies. Differences between MSITS 2002 and MSITS 2010 should be elaborated and complemented by a correspondence table between EBOPS 2002 and 2010 highlighting main changes. Importance of new Chapter 5 and online analytical annex should be underlined. 10

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2 Chapter 2 & 5 (WTO) Chapter 2 More on concordance tables and the importance of linking trade and business registers. More information to be provided on merchanting and goods for processing. Elaborate terminology on labour mobility and labour- related flows. Reference to EU FATS manual to be added. Chapter 5 Explain that overlap may exist between BOP and FATS frameworks in the Manual. 11

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2 Chapter 3 (IMF) Chapter 3 further aligned with BPM6 including on terminology (Standard and Supplementary items used analogous way). Need to better explain time-shares and call centers. Add table linking EBOPS and complementary groupings. Add table linking EBOPS 2002 and EBOPS 2010 (for needs of Chapter 1). 12

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Revised EBOPS 1/3 New Breakdown of Direct Insurance (item 6.1) and of Architectural services (item ) will be standard. Pensions separated from Standardized Guarantee services in Insurance and pension services (item 6) Breakdown of Government goods and services n.i.e. reintroduced. 13

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Revised EBOPS 2/3 Supplementary breakdown heritage and recreational services (11.2.3) of other personal, cultural, and recreational services [UNESCO]. IMF to check OECD proposal on definition of originals. 14

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Revised EBOPS 3/3 Charges for the use of intellectual property breakdown has been further discussed after the Bangkok meeting. Breakdown of R&D services agreed. (see p. 7) The TF decided not to give priority to any breakdown in travel nor in transportation 15

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics EBOPS complementary groupings Detail on licence to use added to Audiovisual transactions and to Computer software transactions (see p. 8) Distribution services to be presented together with Merchanting and trade-related services in Trade related transactions. Name Environmental transactions agreed upon. Correspondence to CPC Rev. 2 noted. Cultural Transactions was added following the provision of a definition of these by UNESCO. 16

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2: Chapter 4 (OECD) Remaining references to majority ownership (ownership % of shares) should be changed to the notion of control which relates to more than 50% ownership of voting power (at each stage of chain of ownership). The table on ISIC categories for FATS should (and has) be clarified. Text on Special Purpose Entities to be removed since covered in BD4 and BPM6 17

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2: annexes Better edit references to EBOPS in annex 6 on Tourism statistics. On analytical annex, need to review an example on software and to establish a correspondence table to ISIC in table on trade in services by industry (Statistics Canada) No separate annex on cross-cutting issues because of lack of time and the fact that both BPM6 and IMTS Rev 3 are in their final form 18

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Review of WWC2 : annexes Correspondence tables to be updated and provided on line (not in the paper publication) Annex II (EBOPS 2010-CPC Rev.2) UNSD/IMF and (EBOPS 2010-GNS/W/120) => /WTO Annex III (ICFA-EBOPS 2010) => Eurostat/UNSD 19

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Next steps Consistency across chapters with respect to changes was analysed by OECD/WTO Expert consultant. TF (19-20 November) will review remaining questions following the third WWC. Five chapters of the Manual should be submitted to UNSC end February

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Thanks for your attention! TFSITS website: 21

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Overview of country replies 1/2 57 countries (74%) agree with the proposed standard EBOPS, 63 countries (82%) agree with the proposed supplementary EBOPS 65 countries (84%) agree with the proposal to indicate a suggested further breakdown of EBOPS in the description only. 54 countries (70%) agree to include computer software transactions as new complementary grouping 38 countries (49%) agree to include call centers as new complementary grouping 44 countries (58%) agree to include trade in services between related enterprises as new complementary grouping.

STD/PASS/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics STD/SES/TAGS – Trade and Globalisation Statistics Overview of country replies 2/2 36 countries (47%) agree to include Environmental transactions as new alternate grouping. 55 countries (71%) agree to include health services as new complementary grouping 55 countries (71%) agree to include education services as new complementarygrouping 60 countries (78%) agree that no other complemantary groupings should be included 63 countries (82%) agree with the suggested definitions of the complementay groupings. A majority of 43 countries (56%) think that transport broken down by mode should be given priority to. A majority of 50 countries (65%) think that priority should be given to the purpose of travel.