From ordering to online access - The four scenarios Paris, October 2010
Introduction OECD iLibrary Launch In July 2010 OECD has launched a new online library called OECD iLibrary OECD iLibrary supersedes SourceOECD as the main OECD publishing platform and all existing subscribers are now being migrated. OECD has been communicating with all its customers over the past couple of months to encourage their use of the new platform as part of the transition. Existing subscribers. Online access on OECD iLibrary. For existing subscribers, the migration process is transparent – their username and password, as well as IP addresses details, have been transferred from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary. Both sites are running in parallel until all features available on SourceOECD are also available on OECD iLibrary and we are satisfied with the speed and stability of the new platform. New subscribers. Access set up on OECD iLibrary. Subscribers that never set up their online access on SourceOECD and new subscribers have been registered on OECD iLibrary based on the information available on the order sent to the order fulfilment agent Turpin (contact details and IP addresses if available). New and existing subscribers. Account Management at OECD iLibrary. New and existing subscribers registered on OECD iLibrary need to create an administrator username/password to be able to manage their online account. This currently includes the management of administration contact details, authentication details – IP address/es and/or end-user usernames and passwords, view subscriptions and institutional branding. The four scenarios. The process from ordering to online access is much simpler now and less actions from the end user and/or distributor are required. The four described scenarios outline the process.
The Four Scenarios 1.Migrated accounts from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary 2.Existing subscribers without accounts activated on SourceOECD 3.New OECD iLibrary subscribers 4.Renewing/Upgrading OECD iLibrary subscribers
1. Migrated accounts from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary 1.Subscribers access rights have been transferred from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary. 2.Subscribers can access their subscriptions in OECD iLibrary via Username/Password and/or via IP address recognition (as setup in SourceOECD). 3.Subscribers were sent an with a link to create a new Administrator Username/Password to manage their online account at OECD iLibrary at the end of July. NOTE: The SourceOECD Manager Username/Password was not migrated to OECD iLibrary.
End users Username/ Password Subscriptions/ access rights Manager Username/ Password IP addresses C. Registration details * B. Authentication details * A. Subscription details * Contact Details End users Username/ Password SourceOECDOECD iLibrary Administrator Username/ Password IP addresses Contact Details 1.1 Migrated accounts from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary Action required * = See screen shots on the slides at the end of the presentation.
1.All subscription details have been transferred from Turpin to OECD iLibrary to create a new OECD iLibrary profile. 2.IP addresses provided in the subscription order to Turpin have been transferred and registered on the OECD iLibrary profile. The online access is working. If no IP information is provided to Turpin, the subscriber must add the log in details (Username/Password and/or IP addresses) on the OECD iLibrary profile to enable online access. 3.An with a link to create an administrator username/password has been sent to the address included in Turpin data. The same address is registered on the OECD iLibrary profile. The Administrator Username/Password is required to manage the online account at OECD iLibrary ( adding IP, adding Username/Password, etc). If the address is not provided to Turpin, a letter will be sent to the subscriber to contact to finalize the online access. 2. Existing subscribers without accounts activated on SourceOECD
Subscriptions/ access rights IP addresses Subscriptions C. Registration details * B. Authentication details * A. Subscriptions details * Turpin OECD iLibrary 2.1 Existing subscribers without accounts activated on SourceOECD Action required Administrator Username/ Password IP addresses Contact Details End users Username/ Password OECD iLibrary Contact Details * = See screen shots on the slides at the end of the presentation.
1.All subscription details have been transferred from Turpin to OECD iLibrary to create a new OECD iLibrary profile. NOTE: Information sent with the order to Turpin needs to be as accurate and complete as possible. Reporting the address of the end user is strongly recommended. 2.IP addresses provided in the subscription order to Turpin are transferred and registered on the OECD iLibrary profile.The online access is working. If no IP information is provided to Turpin, the subscriber must add the log in details (Username/Password and/or IP addresses) on the OECD iLibrary profile to enable online access. 3.An with a link to create an Administrator Username/Password has been sent to the address included in Turpin data. The same address is registered on the OECD iLibrary profile. The Administrator Username/Password is required to manage the online account at OECD iLibrary (adding IP, adding Username/Password, etc). If the address is not provided to Turpin, a letter will be sent to the subscriber to contact to finalize the online access. 3. New OECD iLibrary subscribers
Subscriptions/ access rights IP addresses Administrator Username/ Password IP addresses Subscriptions 3.1 New OECD iLibrary subscribers TurpinDistributorsOECD iLibrary Subscriptions Action required A. Subscriptions details * B. Authentication details * C. Registration details * Contact Details End users Username /Password * = See screen shots on the slides at the end of the presentation.
4. Renewing – Upgrading subscribers 1.Information on renewed/upgraded subscriptions have been transferred from Turpin to OECD iLibrary and the access rights are amended accordingly. NOTE: It is recommended to ask Turpin to keep the existing customer number (CU-xxxxxxx) for this to work. Amended subscriptions are accessible on OECD iLibrary without any intervention from the subscriber/distributor. 2.If the OECD iLibrary profile already includes any IP information, all IP address amendments transferred from Turpin will be ignored. All IP address updates must be done directly on the OECD iLibrary profile. If no IP information was registered on the OECD iLibrary profile, IP information registered at Turpin will be imported. 3.Contact detail amendments will not been transferred from Turpin to the OECD iLibrary profile. Contact detail updates must be done on the OECD iLibrary profile.
Subscriptions/ access rights IP addresses Contact Details amendments Administrator Username/ Password IP addresses End users Username /Password IP addresses amendments Subscriptions Turpin Distributors 4.1 Renewing – Upgrading subscribers OECD iLibrary Subscriptions A. Subscriptions details * B. Authentication details * C. Registration details * Contact Details amendments Contact Details * = See screen shots on the slides at the end of the presentation.
1. Subscriptions details
2. Authentication details
3. Registration details