Context For Inclusion: ASME Tasmania Conference Inclusive Music Education University of Tasmania, Launceston May 4 & 5 Context For Inclusion: Supporting an Inclusive Learning Environment Supporting Students
Context For Inclusion A brief historical perspective…. As late as the 1970’s, only children deemed ‘educable’ were entitled to an education A student considered uneducable was sent to an institution such as Willow Court, or stayed at home Some children considered ‘trainable’ has access to day training centres In 1986 Tasmanian Department of education took responsibility for the education of students with severe and profound disabilities
Essential Learnings for All Context For Inclusion A brief historical perspective…. In 1994: Policy on the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Regular Schools Review of the Inclusion Policy: 2000 In 2004: Review of Services for Students with Special and/or Additional Educational Needs (Atelier) Essential Learnings for All Chapter 1 GS DVD
Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Regular Schools Context For Inclusion Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Regular Schools Policy Statement: Placement of students with disabilities in regular schools is the preferred educational option in Tasmania. To the fullest extent possible, students with disabilities should be educated in the company of their age peers, while also being provided with curriculum and support that effectively meets their needs.
Context For Inclusion Inclusion…more than placement The Inclusion Policy and Essential Learnings for All note a universal shift from thinking of inclusion as simply a placement issue to one that challenges us to think about the way we support the learning of students with additional learning needs.
Inclusion Inclusion is about creating schools that …welcome and value diversity …provide supports for all students to learn together …engage all students in learning that is appropriate to their skills and needs …invite all students to be partners in their own learning
Who are the students we support? Inclusion Who are the students we support? Spend 5 minutes in table groups brainstorming the diversity of students you support in your classes Challenge think beyond obvious disability
Inclusion – Supporting Students Where to start? The start point for supporting a student with a disability is the student Get to know the student DVD Ch 3 Listening to students Ch 4 Getting started, a teacher’s perspective
Inclusion – Supporting Students Getting to know students The Benefits Encourages positive relationships with students Students and staff feel comfortable and safe Students are motivated to work and have a go It’s less stressful on all involved Supports the development of positive strategies to support learning Individual planning
Inclusion – Supporting Students What types of information would be useful in helping a teacher support a students with special and/or additional needs? Where might it be found? Think – Pair - Share
Inclusion – Supporting Students Getting to know students... Observation The Student Peers Support Teachers Work Samples Performances Previous Teachers Therapists Reports Teacher Aides Guidance Officers Families Cluster Speech and Language Pathologists ……………………..
What is Individual Planning? A written plan that provides a focus point for the identified learning priorities of a student with diverse learning needs. Note the possible diversity of individual planning models
Who might need individual planning? Students who are on the Register of Students with Severe Disabilities. These students require the most comprehensive individual education plan (IEP), which describes supports and accommodations, plus curriculum modifications. Students with an intellectual disability who are not on the Register and for whom it has been agreed that the assessment continuum will not be used in reporting. Rather, the IEP will provide a major basis for reporting about learning. This agreement will be the result of discussion between the principal, appropriate teaching staff and parents/carers.
Individual Planning Individual planning may also be used for: Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the Register of Students with Severe Disabilities but are identified at the cluster or school level as having personalised learning needs. Students who have been identified as highly able / gifted and have associated particular learning needs. An individual planning model will provide a structure for enhancing full engagement with the curriculum and addressing specified high-level outcomes.
Individual Planning How can individual planning inform and support my teaching? Individual planning identifies key outcomes, strengths and interests, supports and accommodations, strategies and resources to support learning Individual planning provides a structure that can assist teachers and other learning team members collaborate to support learning Some challenges inherent here for specialist teachers You often are not included in the planning team that develops individual planning, there for don’t have an opportunity to contribute More often than not, you don’t have access to the finished document, therefore you are not sufficiently informed
Individual Planning Sharing Two Tasks Look at the IEP for Student 2 Identify information that would help you support him, and his learning needs in a music program Reflect on the practices and strategies that you currently use, or could use, to contribute to individual planning arrangements for students with additional needs Sharing Student 2 IEP
Individual Planning Supporting individual planning Have a copy of the IEP Identify goals within the IEP that can be addressed within the music program Be aware of supports and accommodations for students which will assist their learning in music Contribute information you have of a student to the IEP planning team through conversations, written notes, attendance at meetings, writing observations in the IEP
A guide for teachers of students with disabilities in regular schools Resources Getting Started A guide for teachers of students with disabilities in regular schools Getting Started is booklet that contains basic information about teaching students with disabilities. It has an accompanying DVD containing interviews with principals, students, teachers and parents in which they reflect on and discuss their experiences of inclusion and demonstrations of practice that expand on the ideas contained within the book.
Specific Focus: Inclusive Practice LTAG Resources for Inclusive Practice Specific Focus: Inclusive Practice Essential Learnings for All Inclusive Curriculum Project 2005 Inclusive Curriculum Project 2006 Getting Started: A guide for teachers of students with disabilities in regular schools Guidelines for Individual Education Planning (IEP) Key information about IEP's and students with disabilities
Reflection 3 -2- 1 3 things to think about 2 things to try 1 thing to ask about 3 -2- 1 Group Discussion
Acceptance of natural diversity and talent Inclusive Practice Acceptance of natural diversity and talent Belonging through genuine partnerships Community that assumes collective responsibility ABC of inclusive education I hope I’ve encouraged you to think about the nature of your role in encouraging really inclusive culture.