/SCM-Network, Ljubljana Gerald Reindl SCM: Test Case for Outcome- Oriented Impact Assessment
IA: Status quo in Austria Comprehensive obligation - fragmented implementation Lack of support & instruments -Exceptions Administrative culture 2
Experiences with SCM Aim: „get ex-ante assessments done in quality“ -Law -Ordinance (Standardkostenmodell-Richtlinien) -Guidelines -Monitoring: MoF-statement on compliance Challenge: Quality 3
Experiences with SCM 4 -> Mandatory fields -> IT supported output for consultation Introduction of admin burden calculator
Introduction - Considerations 5 Aim: „better regulation “ Process Oriented toward outcomes Experiences Aspiration vs. Practice International und science Budget Reform as trigger Outcome orientation in budget und impact assessment are mutually reinforcing Use a substantial, existing reform process
Federal Budget Reform 2013 (2nd stage) 6 Result-oriented management of administrative units Performance Budgeting New budget structure: „lump- sum budgets“ Accrual budgeting and accounting Outcome-oriented impact assessment New budget principles: outcome-orientation; efficiency; transparency; true and fair view
Horizontal Outcome-Orientation Outcome Information in budget Policy formulation: laws/ordinances Budget execution: projects/programmes Juxtaposition of financial inputs and impacts 7
Coherent Budget/Impact assessment -Use synergies: Same approaches towards defining objectives, measures… -Intertwined: Does the objective of the law contribute to measures/objectives formulated in budget? -Ex-ante/ex-post: internal evaluation after max. 5 years 8
9 Coherent Legal Framework – Federal Budget Law 2013 (BHG 2013) „Framework“ ordinance on principles of outcome oriented IA Ordinance on financial impacts Ord. Admin burden Ord. Gender Ord. Environ- ment etc. Provisions – Law
Pragmatic Done within administration Only significant impacts are assessed in detail; 2-step approach Limited number of impact dimensions Lean process 10
Feasible Methodological support Guidelines IT Tool 11 -> Guidelines
Support by IT Relief of users -Background information provided by tool -Calculations Guided process -Guided analysis -> writing in tool -„Push the button“- IA-document -Experts can work in parallel 12
Support by IT One-stop- solution Selection Usability 13
14 Quality Checks & Feedback Mechanisms Obligation to conduct impact assessment – at the same time enablement Standardization of results – quality checks possible Ensuring of common minimum quality
Standard Cost Model Admin burden calculation: consideration of further aspects Small and medium sized enterprises -Aspects of “SME-Test” integrated in SCM eGovernment-proofing -Assessment of expected benefit for -Enterprises -Administration 15
Key aspects of implementation Taking into account national circumstances Involving ministries Apply principles of SCM-experience Administrative reform approach: initiate change in culture Short and medium term process 16 Outcome orientation -Budget management -Policy/tics -Administration