Safe & Effective Weight Training – ch. 5 & 6 HPR 101 L3
Quiz 2 (ch’s 3 & 4) TRUE or FALSE Extensibility is the ability of muscle tissue to be stretched. Epimysium is connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle. Muscle tissue can only pull, it cannot push, on bones. A motor unit includes one motor nerve and one muscle fiber. Muscles that are not worked often enough or hard enough will atrophy. Correct weight training should increase or maintain flexibility. The range of motion of a joint is usually restrained by the soft tissue surrounding it. Static stretch is recommended in your textbook Stretch positions should be held for seconds. Vigorous stretching to increase flexibility should be done only after the muscles and joints have been thoroughly warmed up.
Safe & Effective Weight Training Overview –Medical Clearance –Clothing –Performing a weight training exercise –Considerations for machines –Training partners & Spotting –Safety
Medical Clearance Always get a medical doctor to approve you to train before beginning any exercise program. This becomes more important as you age and if you are overweight.
Clothing Wear clothes that allow for a full range of motion, loose fitting, comfortable and durable. Tennis shoes (no sandals, flip flops, etc.)
Performing a weight training exercise Strict exercise form –Keeping strict form will ensure that you get the most benefit from the exercise Smooth movement –Using smooth movements allows the muscle to apply force to the resistance throughout the exercise Full range of motion –Develop better strength, muscle development, and flexibility
Performing a weight training exercise Phases of exercise –Concentric Phase (the lifting portion) 2 seconds –Eccentric Phase (the lowering portion) 2-4 seconds Breathing –Exhale during concentric phase, inhale during eccentric Concentration –Focus on the muscles you are intending to work Isolated intensity –Work to the point of temporary muscle failure. CAREFULLY!!
Considerations for machine exercises Correct body position –Joint lines up with machine pivot point Seat Belts –If they are available, use them. Speed of movement –Concentric Phase (the lifting portion) 2 seconds –Eccentric Phase (the lowering portion) 2-4 seconds Full range of motion –Develop better strength, muscle development, and flexibility
Considerations for machine exercises, continued… Immediate repairs –If it’s not working correctly, report it right away, so it may be used correctly Cleaning machines –Common courtesy – you wouldn’t want to sit in someone else’s sweat would you? Moving parts –Keep hands and feet away from moving parts
Training partners & Spotting Good versus bad partners Spotting (page 27 of your text) –Necessary with free weights when you cannot complete the exercise.
Safety Page of your text Focused attention to people, place, position, and pieces of equipment.
A beginning weight training program Overview Free weights or machines? Grips Getting into position Basic Exercises/Frequency & Resistance The first six weeks
Free weights or machines? Machine advantages Machines tend to be safer You can change from one weight to another rapidly You can learn the exercise movement easier and faster because it is controlled Free weight advantages More variety and freedom Available at a lower cost Easier to move from one location to another Adjustable for everyone You automatically use additional stabilizing and assisting muscles when utilizing free weights
Grips See text – page 30 1.Pronated grip 2.Supinated grip 3.Mixed grip
Getting into position Think SAFETY! From the floor, lift with legs first. Proper grip, stance
Basic Exercises/Frequency & Resistance One exercise per body part 3 X’s week Start light Progress slowly
The first six weeks Weeks 1 & 2 (1 X 20) Chest Back Shoulders Arms Thighs Calves Abdominals Back extensions Weeks 3 & 4 (1 X 20), (1X 10) Chest Back Shoulders Arms Thighs Calves Abdominals Back extensions Weeks 5 & 6 (1 X 20), (1X 10) (1X5) Chest Back Shoulders Arms Thighs Calves Abdominals Back extensions
END HOMEWORK: Read chapters 5 & 6 Study for quiz Train!!