Winston-Salem Forsyth County High School Athletics 1
Fall Sports Season-(This year July 30 th ) Football ( B&G ) Soccer ( Boys ) Volleyball ( Girls ) Tennis ( Girls ) Cross-Country ( Boys) Cross-Country ( Girls ) Golf ( Girls ) Field Hockey ( Girls ) not sanctioned by HSAA Cheerleading ( B & G) Weight Training ( B & G ) 2
Winter Sports Season-Oct. 31st Basketball ( Boys ) Basketball ( Girls ) Wrestling (B & G) Swimming/Diving ( Boys ) Swimming/Diving ( Girls ) Indoor Track ( Boys ) Nov. 12th Indoor Track ( Girls ) Nov. 12th Cheerleading ( B & G) Weight Training ( B & G) 3
Spring Sports Season-Feb 13th Baseball ( Boys ) Softball ( Girls ) Track ( Boys ) Track ( Girls ) Soccer ( Girls ) Lacrosse ( Boys) Lacrosse ( Girls ) Tennis ( Boys ) Golf ( Boys ) Weight Training( B & G) 4
26 Varsity Sports Weight Lifting throughout the Year JV Programs in most Sports 9 th Grade Basketball (Boys & Girls) 5 General Sports Summary
General Requirements for Athletic Eligibility Renew membership each year before Nov. 1 st 75 cents per pupil enrolled at the school Student must be eligible prior to dressing or participating in any contest Student must participate at the school to which he or she is assigned by the local Board of Education 6
A player must have been in attendance for at least 85% of previous semester ( 90 Day Semester) (13 days) (Local policy is 10 days previous semester) A player must pass a minimum load the previous semester (Local policy requires a 2.0 QPA) General Requirements for Athletic Eligibility 7
A player must have a medical examination once every 365 days by a licensed physician Eight semester rule No student may be approved for athletics if his or her 19 th birthday comes on or before August 31 st General Requirements for Athletic Eligibility 8
Amateur Rule: o Dressing for game or practice o All Star or Benefit games o Professionals/Colleges Felony Policy: o Player will lose eligibility if they are “convicted” of a crime classified as a Felony under NC or Federal Law Skill Development Sessions: o Allowed, but shall not be held during any tryout period of an in- season sport. Sessions are not allowed during the following dead periods: o From the start of fall practice through midnight Sept 1st. o From the start of winter sports practice through midnight Dec. 1st. o From the start of spring sports practice through midnight March 15th. o Sessions are also not allowed during the last five student days of each semester including the weight room. General Requirements for Athletic Eligibility 9
10 Transfer Policies Choice Transfer Period – Jan. 30th – Feb. 8th o Students can apply to go to any high school, and transfers are awarded according to space available.
Special Transfers o After the designated choice transfer periods, a student may request and be granted a special transfer for a good and substantial cause. o A request for a special transfer may be made after the period set by the Superintendent only if there is a material or substantial change in circumstances that occurs after the open enrollment period and warrants consideration of the request. 11 Transfer Policies
Special Transfers (continued) o Request for a special transfer made between the choice period and two calendar weeks prior to the beginning of the school year for students must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for High Schools. Athletic Eligibility o A student granted a special transfer during a sports season, as defined by the NCHSAA shall be ineligible for interscholastic athletics in the same sport for the remainder of that sport’s season. 12 Transfer Policies
Eligibility of Students Who Are Transferred o Student athletes who request and are granted more than one high school transfer in any twelve month period shall be ineligible for interscholastic athletics for a minimum of one full academic semester. Recruiting o No employee shall encourage a student-athlete to seek a transfer from one school to another for athletic purpose or to otherwise engage directly or indirectly in recruiting practices that may result in such transfer requests. 13 Transfer Policies
14 Start Up Costs