HIAPER Vendors’ Conference January 5-6, 1999
Goals Introduce NSF/UCAR/NCAR/ATD/RAF/ HIPT/CAIPT Discuss research missions, minimum preliminary requirements Discuss acquisition strategy Tour current aircraft and facilities Promote communication to allow vendors to come up with design solutions
Ground Rules Any information provided does not obligate the National Science Foundation or the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All costs incurred for this conference and the acquisition process are the vendors’ responsibility.
Ground Rules, Continued All official correspondence and directions will be received through the UCAR Contracts Office. All general questions will be documented. A record of general questions, with answers, will be distributed to all potential offerors after the Conference.
Ground Rules, Continued Questions will be answered orally during the Vendors’ Conference. These oral responses are preliminary. Written responses will supercede oral. Actual requirements will be in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and may differ from current requirements.
Ground Rules, Continued Requirements and capabilities are not detailed at this time. The requirements document will be finalized after the community workshop to be held in April. Information on the Vendors’ Conference and acquisition will be posted on the HIAPER web page:
Ground Rules, Continued Tours will be offered to all potential offerors. Please split representation. Gratuities