Getting into Research Available at
Why research? Graduate School Medical School Industry Apply your knowledge to real problems
Finding Research Opportunities BE professors arch-areas arch-areas y y Don’t forget affiliated faculty!
Finding Research Opportunities, cont. Non BE professors Pharmacology /faculty-research /faculty-research Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG) Most department websites have a faculty or research page
Contacting professors including why you’re interested in the professor’s research Attachments Resume Cover letter – tailor for each lab!
Research for Credit BE199 counts towards BE major electives ates/enrollment-in-courses ates/enrollment-in-courses
Research Scholarships UCLA Scholarships under “Research Scholarships and Programs” Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (URFP) Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Program (HHURP) CARE Fellows and Scholars Program – disadvantaged background
Research Scholarships, cont. National or International Scholarships ml ml Goldwater Scholarship Churchill Scholarship Marshall Scholarship Rhodes Scholarship
Research Scholarships, cont. National Institute of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program sp sp Disadvantaged background SMART Scholarship from DOD Includes employment with DOD after graduation
Other Resources Collaboration for Undergraduate Research Enrichment Biomedical Research Minor
Q&A with Speakers Presentation available at
Posters and Lab Tours Presentation available at