2 Travel Agents Under Law No. 1618(1972) General Services given by the Travel Agents: 1. Organization of tours 2. Transfers 3. Booking or reservation 4. Providing information 5. Organization of conferences 6. Renting cars 7. Sell soveniours
3 Classification of Travel Agents A Group Agents: * Organize external and internal tours * Package tour * Reservation,accommodation and selling tickets * Initially temporary license is given * Should bring USD within 2 years
4 Classification of the Travel Agents B Group Agents * Sell tickets * Retail tours organized by A group agents C Group Agents * Organize internal tours for Turkish citizens * Retail products of A group agents
5 How to establish a travel agent? 1. Application to the Tourism Ministry 2. Ministry examines the document and send them and the offered name tu TURSAB 3.Applicants apply to TURSAB and gives the address of the workplace 4. TURSAB examines the documents and workplace within 15 days
6 Establishment continued 5. Membership fee is paid and registered as a member of TURSAB 6. The document is sent to the Ministry by TURSAB 7. Ministry makes the final inspection and provides the applicant with the management certificate 8. If not, license is cancelled and the fee is paid back.
7 Rights and Promotions 1. Payment or the commission 2. Demand unpredicted expenses 3. Right of lien 4. Construction and operational credit 5. Priority for telecommunication facilities 6. Lowest rate for electricity, water and gas.
8 Duties 1. Should have a proper workplace, responsible manager and qualified staff 2. Letter of guarantee to the Ministry 3. Information of any change in the information in the management certificate 4. Submission of annual report of activities
9 Duties continued 5. Correct advertising and Marketing: Documents should be sent to the Ministry 15 days before announcement 6. Reply questions 7. Submission of contracts to the ministry 8. Obligation of confidentiality 9. Act according to laws and rules determined by TURSAB
10 Travel Agents under TRNC Law Establishment 1. Application to the Tourism Ministry 2. Recommendation of KITSAB 3. License granted by the Ministry. 4. Certain amount of Cash for guarantee accounted to the Ministry
11 Duties and Rights 1. Should have a responsible manager and qualified clerk 2. Submission of annual report of activity 3. Reply questions 4. Demand credit and fund
12 Classification A Group Agents * Given temporarily, should provide nights lodging in a year. If not the license is cancelled and Group B license is provided. * Ticketing, organizing tours, renting vehicles, providing reservation and accommodation, helping tourists.
13 Classification B Group Agents * Licenses given for one year and shoul be renewed. * Ticketing, selling tickets of turs organized by A group agents, providing reservation and accommodation, insurance facilities.