Eagle Ford Shale Stimulation Demands: Good Engineering, Optimized Fluid Selection and Execution Jorge Manrique, PE – Nabors Completion & Production Services Co. Buenos Aires, 9 de Agosto de 2012
Who we are… 5th Largest Pressure Pumping Co. in North America (~1 M HHP) Experienced in All Major US Basins (29 Districts) Over 13,600 DUG Stages Completed in 2011 HRHP Equipment and Experienced Personnel (15K PSI) World Oil, Eng. Innovation Awards & Patented Green Chemicals Pioneers in Water Re-use Friction Loop Analysis Own RC Proppant Technology Available In-House Engineering / Design Optimization
What we do… Pressure Pumping Cementing Fracturing Wire Line Coiled Tubing (16) Work Over Well Servicing (750) Fluid Management, Storage & Disposal Transportation & Logistics
Major US Unconventional Basins 250 Rigs Un-conventional NCPS Districts
Comparison of Shale Thickness VACA MUERTA HORN RIVER BARNETT HAYNESVILLE MARCELLUS EAGLE FORD 2352 FT 600 FT 498 FT 351 FT 298 FT 219 FT Vaca Muerta is ~7 times Thicker than Eagle Ford Play
Understanding the Shale Reservoir X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Total Organic Content (TOC) Pressure/Volume/Temperature (PVT) Embedment Geo-Mechanical If <YM = Soft If >YM = Brittle Desorption Analysis
The Importance of Understanding the Reservoir Total Improved Production and EUR depend on: Complex Fracture Geometry Optimal Perforation Techniques Stress Contrasts Fluid Leak-Off Natural Fractures Layering Brittleness Young Modulus
Laboratory Services & Testing
Samples Examined Sample Depth (ft) Lithology Classification No. (modified Dunham, 1962) 1 10170.50 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 2 10174.40 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 3 10183.70 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 4 10189.50 Argillaceous Limestone Foraminiferal Packstone 5 10192.40 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 6 10195.50 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 7 10201.50 Argillaceous Limestone Foraminiferal Packstone 8 10213.55 Calcareous Mudrock N/A 9 10219.50 Mudrock N/A 10 10221.80 Claystone / Calcareous Mudrock N/A 11 10225.50 Mudrock / Calcareous Mudrock N/A 12 10241.50 Mudrock / Calcareous Mudrock N/A Courtesy of Southern Bay Energy
Frac Fluid Design Based on: Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP) PMAC Scale Modeling System Microbiological Analysis Standard Titrations Field Tests Post Job Analysis of Produced Water
Perforating and Fracture Initiation 5 Clusters Reduced Spacing to 1 Ft 4 SPF (all deep penetrating) Run RA Tracers (Ir, Sc, Sb) Drilled-Out Frac Plugs & Log the Interval
20 Holes – Limited Entry
25# Crosslinked Hybrid – Eagle Ford
Conclusions Formation Evaluation & Core Data correlation will enhance best frac design. Each shale formation is unique in geo-chemistry, petrology, brittleness, ductility, complexity, mineralogy. All must be understood to select the right fluid rheology. There is no a single approach to complete all shale formations. Mineral deposits and geochemical precipitates including scale, can be prevented by using the right blend of chemicals. Limited-entry and deep-penetrating shots have proven effective at reducing fracture initiation pressures, lower breakdown pressures and “smoother” treatment. Maximizing the Stimulated Rock Volume (SRV) can be obtained through limited- entry perforating designs. Smaller diameter holes create additional friction pressure aiding in fracture diversion. Frac treatment must be designed depending if the well will produce oil or gas.
For more Information Contact: Thank You !!! For more Information Contact: Jorge.Manrique@Nabors.com