USAC 10 February 2010 Austin, Texas United States Implementing Organization (USIO)
IODP-USIO USAC Report JOIDES Resolution operations Completed expeditions Operations schedule Expedition planning & implementation Technical activities Publication services Education activities Public relations USIO staff changes Non-IODP activities
JOIDES Resolution Expeditions 2009–2011
Expedition 323: Bering Sea Paleoceanography Scientific Objectives Pliocene–Pleistocene oceanography and climate history of the Bering Sea Role of North Pacific deep and intermediate water production in global climate Pacific-Arctic-Atlantic connections Microbial respiration, biomass, & community composition in subseafloor sediments of the Bering Sea (739-APL)
Expedition 323: Bering Sea Paleoceanography Highlights 7 sites, 30 holes, 673 cores, 97% recovery, water depths m New APC depth record of mbsf Characterization of North Pacific deep and intermediate water masses Strong climate and sea level control of siliciclastic deposition High sedimentation rates at Bowers Ridge & Bering slope (12-14 cm/ky & cm/ky) History of sea ice Significant microbiological activity at 700 mbsf 4 sites logged
Expedition 324: Shatsky Rise Formation Scientific objectives Investigate the age, sources, and evolution of Shatsky Rise Test the plume head versus plate tectonic hypotheses of oceanic plateau formation Highlights 5 sites, 5 holes, 111 cores, water depths m 923 m cored, 470 m of igneous basement (53% recovery), >120 m volcaniclastics Testing and improvement of the active WHC system 4 sites logged
Expedition 324: Shatsky Rise Formation Highlights (continued) From 2-3 sites, suitable material was recovered to address the plume vs non-plume origin of Shatsky Rise by postcruise geochemical studies Recovered pattern of lava flows suggests initial eruptions were massive in the SW and waned with time to the NE Volcaniclastics are more widespread than previously thought and a significant component of the summit structures of Shatsky Rise Sediment facies, microfossils, & volcanic structures imply parts of Shatsky Rise were submerged in the Early Cretaceous
Expedition 317: Canterbury Basin Sea Level Highlights 4 sites, 13 holes, 555 cores, 52% recovery, water depths m Site U1352: Upper slope site (344 m depth, 1928 m penetration) –Deepest sediment hole and single-expedition hole in scientific ocean drilling –Records from Recent terrigenous sediments to Eocene limestone (35 Ma) Sites U1351, U1354, U1353 : outer to inner shelf transect (85–122 m depth) –Upper Miocene to Recent sediment sequences –High-recovery section through Recent and late Quaternary for study of glacial cycles in a continental shelf setting –U1353 shallowest site drilled for science by JR
Expedition 318: Wilkes Land Glacial History Scientific objectives Cenozoic glacial history of East Antarctica Centennial to annual climate variability from Holocene laminated Adelie Drift sediments scienceops/sitesumm.html
JOIDES Resolution Operations Schedule
USIO Expedition Planning & Implementation Postexpedition Sampling Parties PEAT (320/321): Gulf Coast Repository, Oct 2009, 25,000 samples Bering Sea (323): Kochi Core Center, 30 Nov-9 Dec 2009, 30,000 samples
USIO Expedition Planning & Implementation First (Editorial) Postexpedition Meetings Bering Sea (323): 15–19 Feb 2010, College Station, Texas Shatsky Rise (324): 17–21 May 2010, College Station, Texas Canterbury Basin (317): 2–6 August 2010, College Station, Texas Science Staffing Applications due to Program Member Offices by 15 January for Juan de Fuca, South Pacific Gyre Microbiology, & Louisville Seamount Trail Spring 2010: expect to issue call for applications for CRISP, Superfast, & Mid-Atlantic Microbiology
USIO Expedition Planning & Implementation Precruise & Planning Meetings Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology (327): planning meeting 2 Dec 2009 Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology (327): precruise meeting Jan 2010 Cascadia CORK (328): planning meeting 22 Jan 2010 South Pacific Gyre Microbiology (329): precruise meeting 8-9 Feb 2010 Louisville Seamount Trail (330): precruise meeting Feb 2010 CRISP and Superfast will be implemented as separate expeditions Mid-Atlantic Microbiology: planning meeting 11 Dec 2009
USIO Technical Activities Ongoing analytical systems improvements on JOIDES Resolution and work planned for post-Wilkes maintenance period External review to evaluate systems (timing TBD) Support for Chikyu Exp 322 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs) –Tools, calibration, and shipboard engineering staff Observatory planning & design support –Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology –Cascadia CORK –Mid-Atlantic Microbiology Integration and testing of “Motion Decoupled Hydraulic Delivery Telemetry System” used for DVTP deployment Pressure Core Sampler licensed for industry use
USIO Publication Services Scientific Prospectuses –325 publ, Juan de Fuca in prep, Cascadia in prep Preliminary Reports –319 publ, 322 publ, 323 on hold, 324 publ, 317 in prep, 313 in prep Editorial Postcruise Meetings (College Station) –320/321 compl; 313, 317, 319, 322, 323, 324 scheduled for Feb–Aug 2010 Shipboard Support –Publications Specialists on USIO expeditions 320, 321/321T, 323, 324, 317, 318 –Publications Specialists on CDEX expeditions 319, 322 Shore-based Support –Publications Specialist assisted with Exp 313 onshore science party in Bremen –Marine Works Japan (Chikyu) Technician training at TAMU for 6 months
USIO Education Activities Exp 320: USIO Education Director Leslie Peart Exp 321: Maarten in ‘t Hout (Zcene Moving Media videographer) Exp 321T: School of Rock (15 teachers, 11 US, 2 Europe, 2 Japan) Exp 323: Teacher at Sea Doug LaVigne (high school, Georgia) Exp 324: HBCU Educator Nasseer Idrisi (Univ. of US Virgin Islands) & Education Specialist Yuko Uchio (Tokyo Museum of Nature & Sciences) Exp 317: Teacher at Sea Julie Pollard (middle school, Texas) Exp 318: Dan Brinkhuis (Zcene Moving Media videographer) Juan de Fuca: berths for educators, engineers, and students educational portal JR sites on Facebook, YouTube, TeacherTube, Twitter
USIO Public Relations Bering Sea (323) Victoria port call (organized with ECORD) –University ship tours Shatsky Rise (324) Yokohama port call (organized with CDEX) –CDEX/JAMSTEC reception –Press conference –National Museum of Nature and Science ship tours Canterbury Basin (317) Townsville port call (organized with ANZIC) –Press conference –Ship tours Wilkes Land (318) Wellington port call (organized with ANZIC) –Press conference –VIP ship tours and lunch –Science talks at GNS Science –Student ship tours and holiday program at City and Sea Museum
USIO Staff Changes Ocean Leadership Doug Fils: IT & Development Greg Meyers: Off-contract work and Engineering development and coordination Sarah Saunders: Communications Kris Ludwig: Communications Lamont Alberto Malinverno: Head of Science Services Group Gerardo Iturrino: Manager of Engineering Eric Meissner: Senior Engineering Project Manager
USIO-TAMU Organization
Non-IODP Activities Greg Myers at Ocean Leadership is overseeing engineering activities and pursuing non-IODP work “Riserless Mud Return System” (DeepStar project) –Feasibility study was completed in December 2008 –COL trying to obtain funding for vessel modifications and field test
Yokohama, Japan