Branch & Bound UPPER = LOWER = 0
Branch & Bound UPPER = LOWER = 2
Branch & Bound UPPER = LOWER = 3
Branch & Bound UPPER = 4 LOWER = 4
UPPER = 3 LOWER = 3 Branch & Bound
UPPER = 3 LOWER = 6 Branch & Bound
UPPER = 3 LOWER = Branch & Bound
Tasks are created dynamically Upper bound is shared Lower bound is local Halve set of feasible tours: Explore only those paths that visit city 1 before city 2. Branch & Bound Illustrated on Traveling Salesman Problem
:0 01:1 02:4 03: :2013: : : :5032:2 41 Partial tour 0, 3, 2 with cost lower bound = 2 LEGEND TSP instance Search Tree Halve the set of feasible tours: Only visit tours where city 1 occurs before city 2.
:0 01:1 02:4 03: :2013: : : :5032:2 41 Partial tour 0, 3, 2 with cost lower bound = 2 LEGEND upper bound = TSP instance Search Tree