Improving Medical Calculation skills for graduated nurses with e-learning in hospitals Valère Awouters, Ruben Jans Limburg Catholic University College, Teacher Training Department, Hasselt, Belgium
Content Research project Medical calculating – problems Possible Solutions –Learning style –Moodle –Mental/psychological aspects –Blended Learning Conclusions
Medical counting 40% of the nurses can’t accurately calculate. (scores calculating skills) 30% of the nurses admit to have made calculating mistakes. Hospital managers ask for solutions.
Possible Solutions Basic knowledge is present in every university (college). Life-long learning method: –Content, digitalized in Blackboard, was set open in a Moodle-environment. –Testresults: one example
An average score: 51% What does this mean? Dilution Infusion fluid Oxygene Percentage
Blended Learning A diversity of learning tools and strategies: –Teaching offline –Testing online –Independent & self-directed learning off- and online The theory and practice of online learning T. Anderson
An online learning model
Moodle as Virtual Learning Environment Digitalized content Automatically testing Discussion board and communication facilities E-moderating skills
Conclusions Lifelong learning is necessary. Learning strategies depent on individual learning styles. Just offering content is not enough. A pedagogical model is necessary. E-moderating is ‘constantly’ needed.