Speaker Mark Fauble, career advisor Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. by appointment only Walk-in hours: State Farm Hall of Business in Room 124 on Thursdays: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. #RedbirdPR
LinkedIn Workshop Break into 2 groups With a profile Without a profile #RedbirdPR
Announcements #RedbirdPR
Career Triathlon #RedbirdPR
Get Involved Interviews Executive board members will only be available before Chapter at 7:30 p.m. On the following days: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, and March 17 #RedbirdPR
Young Alumni Panel Next Chapter Tuesday, Jan. 27 Abby Brennan, Bruce Kennedy, Hailey Lanier, Kaitie Ries, #RedbirdPR
WinterFest Wednesday, Jan – 6 p.m. Bone Student Center Sign up for half hour shifts Wear a PRSSA shirt and jeans (no sweats- unless they say PRSSA) #RedbirdPR
Gift of Hope Campus competition to increase awareness on organ and tissue donation Winners announced at 2015 National Conference (in Atlanta!) Will partner with Gift of Hope to plan an event in April Group of 3 to 5 members Paragraph why you want to be a part and resume in one PDF by Friday, Jan. 30 Ask Ali if you have any more questions #RedbirdPR
Regional Conference Columbia College Chicago and Loyola University Chicago The Loop Chicago: DIVERGENT March 21 Deadline to register is March 9 Cost: $30 #RedbirdPR
National Assembly March During spring break Free airfare and hotel Resume and cover letter in one PDF to Deadline: Jan. 23 at midnight. #RedbirdPR
Dues $80 for the entire calendar year Opportunities include: National Conference, agency tours, PRSA dinners, leadership positons, networking events Deadline is Feb. 17 #RedbirdPR
Cards Cards to sign: Dr. Long Ian De La Rosa (past e-board member) #RedbirdPR
Mentor-Mentee Sign up Available this week and next week #RedbirdPR
Apparel Bring money to Lauren Pick yours up! #RedbirdPR
Member of the Week Kimi Sanden #RedbirdPR
Campus Clean Up Sunday, Jan. 25 Between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or whenever the garbage bags are full) Clean up anywhere on campus Chapter will supply the garbage bags #RedbirdPR
Innovation & Influence #RedbirdPR A social media forum Tours with agencies that are innovating in social media and breakout sessions Friday, Feb a.m. - 4:30 p.m. DePaul's Loop Campus (14 E. Jackson, Chicago, IL) Through Feb. 6 - $12, after Feb. 6 - $15
Volunteer Opportunities Faith in Action Auction fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 7 4 – 10 p.m. Food provided At least one student needed to attend training Jan a.m. – noon Regency hotel Relay for Life Winter ball fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 28 Doors open at 5 p.m. Chateau #RedbirdPR
Internship Opportunities Summer internships at WTMJ-TV Milwaukee Accepting cover letter and resume through February Summer 2015 Institute on Political Journalism in Washington, DC Deadline: Friday, Feb. 10 For more information, ask Frank or visit #RedbirdPR
Scholarship Opportunities PRSSA National Scholarships For more information, visit #RedbirdPR
Summer Classes Online required courses for PR COM 178 COM 268 COM 378 #RedbirdPR
RedbirdPR Stories Instagram campaign to tell our members’ stories #RedbirdPR
Social Reverse Pageant (still need to name it) Girls dress like guys and guys dress like girls! Date and place TBD 7:30 p.m. Cost: $2 Choose your competitors! 2 guys and 2 girls from each committee. #RedbirdPR
Calendar of Events Friday, Jan. 23 – National Delegate application due Sunday, Jan. 25 – Campus clean up Tuesday, Jan. 27 – Mock applications (Career Triathlon Phase 2) Young Alumni Panel Wednesday, Jan. 28 – WinterFest Friday, Jan. 30 – Gift of Hope application due Tuesday, Feb. 3 – Mock interview (Career Triathlon Phase 3) Saturday, Feb. 7 – Faith in Action event Tuesday, Feb. 17 – Career Triathlon closing ceremony Deadline for dues Friday, Feb. 27 – Social Media Forum Saturday, Feb. 28 – Relay for Life fundraiser event Saturday, March 21 – Regional Conference *Don’t forget to sign in* #RedbirdPR
Break into committees #RedbirdPR
We hope to see you at our next Chapter meeting Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. in SCH 130! #RedbirdPR