IoF Insight in Fundraising 2010 Conference Classic Analysis: Supporter Attrition Lifetime Value RFV Victoria Barham – Senior Marketing Analyst, PDSA David Dipple – Consultancy Partner, Tangible Data Steve White – Director of Operations, Wood for Trees Stuart McCoy – Data Strategy Consultant, DM Insight
IoF Insight in Fundraising 2010 Conference Classic Analysis: Supporter Attrition Stuart McCoy Data Strategy Consultant
Regular Giving Attrition Apply to post campaign analysis for Regular Giving Acquisition, Upgrade and Reactivation activity to predict a much more accurate 1 st Year ROI Early attrition – 3 KPIs: % ‘No Shows’ by recruitment channel, supplier of those making 1 st gift, what % went on to make 2 nd gift? of those making 2 nd gift, what % went on to make 3 rd gift? Get it Monthly – monthly payers make it easier to manage regular giving base Profiling & Targeting: What do your typical lapsers look like? Who is your 10 year donor? Are new recruits of a better quality than those you’re losing m-o-m?
Other Types of Attrition Analysis Look at the attrition of all Fundraising ‘products’, not just regular giving, so: Cash, Raffle, Major Giving, etc. LYBUNT: ‘Last Year But Unfortunately Not This’ provides top line KPI of entire Fundraising supporter base ‘Where Are They Now?’ - attrition of a cohort of Cash donors over successive mailings Predictive Attrition Models: Who are the likely lapsers? When are likely lapsers most likely to lapse?
Other Considerations ‘Natural’ attrition (deceased, switching to other ways of giving and support) Those with a higher annual value are generally less likely to lapse – value is indicative of loyalty Calculating different rates of attrition for your distinct supporter segment profiles at different levels of giving (which is strongly recommended) can greatly inform y-o-y budget planning and Fundraising strategy Remember to also look a bit more longer-term: what % of recruits have been retained per recruitment activity, supporter profile, etc. after 3 and 5 years?