DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 1 TAY SUAN SEE DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS, MALAYSIA Electronic data collection by Department of Statistics (e-QSS) Warsaw, Poland
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 2 About MalaysiaDOSM FunctionsBackground of E-surveysQuarterly Survey of Servicese-QSSMoving Forward
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 3 Population29.2 million Area329,847 square kilometres (127,350 sq mi) Total Fertility Rate (TFR)2.64 Per Capita Income (RM28,000)USD9,000 (RM28,000) GDP Growth5.4% World Competitiveness14 th position Unemployment Rate3.0% Consumer Price Index1.4% Literacy98%
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 4 The Department of Statistics, (DOSM) Malaysia was established in 1949 under the Statistics Ordinance Statistics Act 1965 (Revised 1989) National statistical agency to collect, interpret and disseminate latest and real time statistics in the monitoring of national economic performance and social development. Centralised data collection but other agencies and Ministries collect data for their own needs
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 5 Set-up consists of 16 Divisions, 14 State offices with 28 operational centres Staff strength of 3,300 employees Needs of users for statistics routed through Main User Committee chaired by Economic Planning Unit
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 6 NUMBER FREQUENCY 10 Monthly 24 Quarterly 19 Annual 38 Biennial 15 Census 2 Ad-hoc A. SURVEYS / CENSUS Economic Surveys/Census Household Census/Surveys Price Collection Population and Housing Census BB. STATISTICAL COMPILATION CC. FRAME DOSM generate official statistics through surveys/censuses and compilations of secondary data
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 7 Time consuming Manpower dependent Costly Continence & availability to respondent Mail Face to face interview Field visits Telephone/Fax Demands for timely data
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 8 Development of Internet technologies has made e-Survey as another channel of information gathering increasingly important for government departments In line with the Government initiatives to implement the Electronic Government online services, the Department of Statistics Malaysia developed e-Surveys since 2008 e-Survey is online survey submission of data on short- term surveys (monthly/quarterly) This system is implemented to save time and costs in the process of gathering and disseminating data
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 9 Quarterly Survey of International Trade in Services (Q1 2008) Monthly Manufacturing Survey (implemented August 2008) Quarterly Survey of Services (e-QSS) - ICT sub-sector - pilot test Q Implement Q3 2012
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 12 Required internet browser (internet explorer 7 and above) System hang and slow loading Computer and internet use is limited Completed questionnaires can be printed Provide auto save when respondents move from one question to another question
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA th Malaysia Plan (2015) : Services sector : 61.1% 10 th Malaysia Plan (2015) : Services sector : 61.1%
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 14 provide inputs to the compilation of Index of Services Production (IoS) input/indicators to quarterly GDP produce short term indicators on services sector
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 15 Recommendations of the United Nations’ Statistical Office and Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification 2008 which adheres to International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev. 4 Recommendations of the United Nations’ Statistical Office and Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification 2008 which adheres to International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev. 4 classification of the industry of the establishment is based on the principal activity classification of the industry of the establishment is based on the principal activity
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 16 IoDT IoS (Phase I) IoS (Phase II) IoS (Phase III) Composite IoS SOURCE OF DATA Monthly Survey of DT 2012 Motor Vehicles Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 2012 Accommodation Food & Beverage Transport Information & Communication 2013 Education Health 2014 Finance and Insurance Professional Real Estate Art, Entertainment and Recreation 2014 Quarterly Survey of Services (commenced Q2 2009) RELEASE DATE
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 17 Cut-off (range 85% - 95%) Transportation ICT Accommodation Education Health Probability sampling Restaurants Professionals Real Estate Agents Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Variable of selection: REVENUE Total sample: 9,396 establishments Total sample: 9,396 establishments
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 18 Establishment ProfileRevenueExpenditureNo. of employeesSalaries and wagesCapital expenditure Specific information of each sector Data available 6 weeks after reference quarter
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 19 ICT sub-sector has been selected to be the pioneer in implementing electronic data collection (e-QSS) Total sample : 507 establishments ICT sub-sector has been selected to be the pioneer in implementing electronic data collection (e-QSS) Total sample : 507 establishments Will be fully implemented Q (October 2012) Will be fully implemented Q (October 2012) Pilot test was done in Q (July 2012) Respondents (76 establishments) with State Office Pilot test was done in Q (July 2012) Respondents (76 establishments) with State Office
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 20 php (Hypertext Preprocessor) Software Internet Explorer 8.0+ Mozilla Firefox 3.6+ Resolution: 1024x768 or higher System requirements Requires 8 months to develop Duration
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 21 Bilingual View previous data PrintPaperlessSave timeUser-friendly Review and edit before submission Save function at the end of each page 21
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 22 Hands-on training manual will be provided downloadable from the website User ID and Password will be provided separatelyRespondent will log in to the e-QSS via DOSM’s websiteRespondent will fill/update Establishment Profile Part A : Revenue, Expenditure and Number of Workers Part B : Capital Expenditure Part C : Additional Information Respondent may edit, save and review the data before submissionData will be submitted via online directly to DOSM
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 23 DescriptionPast PracticesNew PracticesOperational efficiencies to be gained from new practices Mode by which data are collected Mail Fax Telephone Field visit Online submission using e-QSS Save time and costs in the process of gathering and disseminating data Timing of the collection 5 weeks after reference quarter 3 – 4 weeks (KPI: 90%) Timeliness Follow-up operations used Mandatory An indication of whether companies embracing electronic reporting Not applicableResults can be generated through the system Monitoring method of submission PromotionCourtesy visits to establishments Invitation for hands-on training Increase online data submission
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 24 First time collected in the Economic Census Refers to businesses owning computers Among the sectors, 68.4% of ICT usage are in the services sector 1.Source : Economic Census Based on ITU Core ICT Indicators
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 25 Source : Economic Census 2011
DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS MALAYSIA 26 Review of sample size and coverage after Economic Census for quarterly and annual surveys Usage of e-QSS will be expanded to other sub-sectors by phases from 2013 Hands-on training for respondents * Promotion, hands- on training Increase online data submission every quarter Experimental IoS