Shaping the WorkHealth Initiative through Evaluation Alison Wallace
Introduction to the WorkHealth initiative OBJECTIVES Overview of the evaluation and research program Making evaluation influential – lessons from a large-scale government health program setting
WorkHealth is a $218m five-year WorkSafe Victoria program targeting the connection between chronic disease & workplace injury in the workforce OVERVIEW OF THE WORKHEALTH PROGRAM Voluntary health checks Telephone support service and health coach service Workplace health promotion grants Tools and resources for employers
WorkHealth model THE WORKHEALTH MODEL Workplace programs Guidance, tools and resources Leaders and champions Health promotion grants WORKERSEMPLOYERS WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT WorkHealth checks Information and advice Lifestyle programs Support for at-risk workers Evaluation Research & knowledge Marketing & communications WORKHEALTH PROGRAM FRAMEWORK IndividualsWorkplaces
Lifestyle survey Biomedical measures Risk assessment and results WORKHEALTH CHECKS Free access to lifestyle programs for at-risk workers
WORKHEALTH GRANTS $5,000 for medium employers $10,000 for large employers Menu of grant activities
Practical guidance for implementing health & wellbeing at work Templates, resources and tools to plan and implement a program Case studies, evidence and examples to support business case Workplace posters and calendar HEALTHY WORKPLACE KIT
A multi-method, two-stream approach WORKHEALTH RESEARCH & EVALUATION PROGRAM WorkHealth social research program 2-year research program with Monash University in partnership with the Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research
KPI monitoring and process evaluation role SOCIAL RESEARCH PROGRAM 6 months following WorkHealth checks Survey of participating employers 1 month following WorkHealth checks Survey of participating employers Survey of participating workers Survey of non-participating workers
6-monthly analysis of the WHC dataset Longitudinal follow-up of participants Modelling program impacts Process evaluation Impact evaluation 2-YEAR RESEARCH PROGRAM WITH MONASH UNIVERSITY
AD HOC EVALUATION Formative evaluation of new products / services Process evaluation for refinement of products / services Other ad-hoc research and evaluation as needed Healthy Workplace Kit WorkHealth Coach WorkHealth Grants WorkHealth Coach
MAKING EVALUATION INFLUENTIAL – LESSONS LEARNED Support for evaluation users Evaluation and monitoring framework Comprehensive, flexible evaluation
UNDERSTANDING THE EVALUATION USERS High profile government health program Dynamic & fast-paced work environment Variable evaluation capability & experience Junior to senior role range Mix of health promotion, marketing, strategy & administration professions
EVALUATION WORKING GROUP Engagement Capacity-building Cross-functional team representing communications and marketing, workplace health promotion and clinical practice, social research and a representative from the Monash University research team Cross-function role Discussion of evaluation priorities and challenges Business relevance Ensuring the research and evaluation program meets the needs of the business and evaluation users
HOW HAS USER SUPPORT BEEN INFLUENTIAL? User input and ownership Clinical practice linked with evaluation Stimulating change and an evaluation culture
WORKHEALTH PROGRAM LOGIC Focus Objectives Program rationale and hypothesis Key activities and interventions Program impacts WorkHealth’s strategic direction WorkHealth research and evaluation Process Collaborative Senior consultation Engagement across division
Senior engagement Mapping future anticipated activity WORKHEALTH PROGRAM LOGIC Capture current activities and interventions Capacity-building 2009 Development 2010 Revision
HOW HAS THE PROGRAM LOGIC BEEN INFLUENTIAL? Engaging senior stakeholders in the evaluation Integrating evaluation with business planning Guiding the research and evaluation program
A COMPREHENSIVE, FLEXIBLE EVALUATION PROGRAM Comprehensive, planned and multi-method Multi-stakeholder management Flexibility for ad-hoc projects
SUMMARY Invest in engaging evaluation users Develop an evaluation and monitoring framework to guide and legitimise evaluation Ensure evaluation is comprehensive and flexible