MERSEA Remote – Sensing Ocean Portal Brest Nov 2005 WP2.6 - DIP2 Project Status < Observing Systems < Remote Sensing
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities To be conducted / Conducted yet (1/2) The general objective of the 2.6 task is to coordinate all efforts in remote sensing data availability and distribution. A WWW site will be developed as a portal to the different independent systems and to facilitate the visibility and exchange of the data in a reliable and coherent manner The portal will provide an overview of all available remote sensing data and an easy access to the data sets through a link to the relevant data distribution servers. The second phase will tackle the problem of documenting all products (lists of products, formats, user guides, tutorials) The second phase will tackle the problem of providing gridded data products for all mission – SST, sea ice and ocean color) in a Netcdf structure format using the same ocean convention such as COARDS/CF and distribute them in an OPeNDAP catalogue Nov 2005
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities To be conducted / Conducted yet (2/2) The general objective of the 2.6 task is to coordinate all efforts in remote sensing data availability and distribution. The second phase will tackle the problem of setting up well defined or revised interface procedures (with partners and other WPs) The WWW remote sensing data portal will be run in a shared and distributed mode. A Mersea LAS will be implemented to federate Opendap servers. The second phase will tackle the problem of implementing an overall control capability (monitoring kits). The second phase will tackle the problem of running a web site to keep updated information and post new information (cf. actualities, R&D reports) Nov 2005
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities Milestones & Deliverables (1/4) Month 12 OKfirst deliverables accepted, deployment plan, tasks and actors reviewed and accepted Month 15 June Dec 2005 Documents listing product - Product guide for data provider (format + convention), one per data center NOK (lack of template) To be written based on the power point template! D2.6.3 (CLS) => Altimetry products D2.6.4 (IFREMER) => SST products D2.6.5 (JRC) => SSR products D2.6.6 (Met. No) => Sea Ice products Month 15 June Dec 2005 D2.6.7 (CLS) => WP2 interface document for RSP + System overview (CLS) NOK ( pb of synchronisation with WP6 / reality of distributed mode ) Document explaining monitoring / assessment table Later on ‘Second version of the MERSEA WWW RSP - distributed’
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities Milestones & Deliverables (2/4) Month 15 June Aug 2005 D2.6.8 (CLS)=> Report on web site uses and feedback exchanges ‘Log Report ’, aug 3, 2005 MERSEA-WP02-CLS-TECN , Month 18 Sept 2005 User manual (products use and applications), one per data center NOK (???) V1 = current manual ????(// product lines) D2.6.9 (CLS) => Altimetry products D (IFREMER) => SST products D (JRC) => SSR products D (Met. No) => Sea Ice products Month 18 Sept Nov 2005 First R/S distribution review OK Cf. today agenda (22 nov 2005)
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities Milestones & Deliverables (3/4) Month 21 Dec 2005 January 2006 User tutorial, one per data center Cf …. and forecast web pages …. D (CLS) => Altimetry products D (IFREMER) => SST products D (JRC) =>SSR products D (Met. No) => Sea Ice products Document’ aims: - explain and record web pages - each coherency between observing and forecasting TEPS Month 21 Dec 2005 Under work D (CLS) => Report on web site uses and feedback exchanges Month 24 March nd R/S distribution review With 2nd year review ??? Goals and objectives ???
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities Milestones & Deliverables (4/4) Month 27 June 2006 D (CLS) => Report on web site uses and feedback exchanges Month 30 sept 2006 D (all) => Monitoring and assessment report for phase 2 Month 30 End of DIP-2
Check-List 1.Identify your product lines 2.Register/update your product line (discovery metadata) 3.Fill in/ update the system monitoring table 4.Update your documentation List of products (record above information) User manual (see template on examples on …) User tutorial (see template and examples on ….)
User Tutorial (information on the web) – template under preparation – Products Introduction Oceanic variables Resolution Period of supply Time parameters Format Size (MB) Distribution Access conditions => Discovery metadata file Overview Mission (text + image per §) Products Services Satellites and useful characteristics How we measure the « ocean parameter » of interest (SSH, SST, SSR, Sea Ice) « Ocean parameter » usefulness for ocean monitoring Multiple satellites for high precision « Ocean Parameter » Applications (+ link to forecast systems, the place to input data) References Summary Cards ID Card: short name, version long name, hierarchy, type of product: NRT/DT Operational card: configuration, resolution, qualification process, history file, production schedule Quality card: indicators, metrics Project Activities Summary Activities First Year Results Research and Development Documentation Presentations For more information (useful links) Mersea Data Center web site, Product web site, Data distribution server, Viewing service More links: cf. direct links on satellite center or projects wrt to the ocean parameter use
WP2.6 and DIP-2 Activities Follow on - Open Issues Services & High level functionalities ? System ambition System Versions ? & Timeframe Deploiement level Second Distribution Review When ? What for ? Monitoring and assessment report for phase 2 Who are the users feedback for new products and services enhancements Refine crosscutting functions Products refined wrt geographical targets & forecasting systems
Refine cross-cutting functions Function / MERSEA Integrated System version V0V0 V1V1 V2V2 V3V3 F001Associate all Mersea product with a quality index FnxxAssociate all Mersea product with a contextual files FnxxRecord any information in the catalogue FnxxPromote all products FnxxReport any user activities & feedback FnxxGlobal: capability to produce … … daily products with x km resolution
Assessment for V1 System TEP / Data Centers Overview Product Lines Status (ops/test) Mission Charter Catalogue Altimetry – V0* (june 04) – V1 (oct 2005) 7 11 Ops 2 under test V0 V1 0/7 3/11 SST – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) 0 2 (Med) - under test V0 0 1/2 (L4) SSR – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) 0 4 (global / med) - under test V0 V1 0 4/4 Sea Ice – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) 3636 NH ops SH test (spring 2006) V0 0/3 3/6 (NH) * Follow on of Strand-1
Assessment for V1 System Interoperability charter - product Format Convention (Parameters) Error bar* Useability (resolution) Altimetry – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) NOK (4) (% error) 4/7 5/11 Global 1/3° Med 1/8°, Shelves 7 km SST – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) - OK - OK - OK - 2 km SSR – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) - OK - OK (2) - On request ? - 9 km Sea Ice – V0 (june 2004) – V1 (oct 2005) - OK - OK (3) confidence OK - 10 km, 24 hours * Quality rate => 3 levels : quality, performance, accuracy
Assessment for V1 System Interoperability charter - distrib Frequency Delay Time window Servers* Standalone View Federating View Altimetry – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) Bi-weekly –NRT 6-month (DT) + 1 month Daily (shelves) ongoing Opendap (grid) + FTP + DVD (DT) Maps (1) + LAS (3) / 7 Maps (2) + LAS (3) / 11 1/7 (Str1) 1/11 (IP) SST – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) Daily (merged) Real Time (L2P) Since 1 jan 2005 Last 3 months - Opendap + FTP - Maps - Maps SSR – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) Monthly (Chl) 6 month (PP) Opendap underwork FTP NOK Sea Ice – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) - Daily + 4 hrs March 2005 (NH) Last month (SH) Opendap underwork FTP - Quick-look maps - Quick-look maps * Quality rate => 3 levels : quality, performance, accuracy
Assessment for V1 System Business charter Data Policy User Access Control (+ info on how) Qualification* (visible online ?) Altimetry – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) 7/7 (AVISO/DUACS) 9/11 (ADT ?) 5/7 (NRT+Med) AVISO/DUACS Validation report on FTP (shelves) SST – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) - MEDSPIRATION -?-? Regular validation report SSR – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) - Open - Yes - NOK Sea Ice – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) - EUMETSAT - No Regular validation report * For operationality and validation demonstration
Assessment for V1 System Operationality shown Readiness / Project Timeliness / Completeness Logs report KPI Early stage Altimetry – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) 7/7 11/11 7/7 11/11 (internal) 6/7 (Med) 6/11 N/A (TBD) SST – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) ?-? N/A (TBD) SSR – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) N/A (TBD) Sea Ice – V0 (june 04) – V1 (oct 05) N/A (TBD)