1 Information Literacy Program Module 6 Emalus Campus
2 Other ILP Modules Module 1:Resources the Emalus Campus Library Module 2:Accessing the Emalus Library Website & Using the Online Catalogue Module 3:Untangle the Web: Finding Information on the Internet Module 4:Critically Evaluating Information Sources Module 5:Literature Search, Citing Sources & Bibliography Module 6: Searching ProQuest Emalus Campus
3 To acquaint students with the wide variety of databases to which they have access through the library to teach students how to search ProQuest to apply these concepts to searching other databases Learning Objective Emalus Campus
4 At the end of this session, students should: be familiar with the various features of ProQuest Learning Outcome Emalus Campus
5 web-based electronic database provides access to thousands of current periodicals and newspapers, many updated daily and containing full-text articles from 1986 What is ProQuest? Emalus Campus
6 Mostly full-text Multi-disciplinary Small number of print journal subscriptions at Emalus Campus Library NOTE: Be aware that it has a North American focus although more Asia/Pacific Sources are being indexed all the time Why Use ProQuest? Emalus Campus
7 go to Emalus Library homepage click on USP Library (Laucala Campus) Scroll down below picture of library click on USP Library Online Databases once in USP Library home page click on ProQuest (or whichever database you want to search) NOTE: some databases require a password - check with the Emalus librarians to obtain the appropriate password How to access ProQuest from the Emalus library Emalus Campus
8 Accessing ProQuest from the Emalus Library Emalus Campus Double click
9 Accessing ProQuest Double click Emalus Campus
10 ABI/INFORM Global - Business Academic Research Library – Interdisciplinary ProQuest Science Journals – Science ProQuest ANZ Newsstand U.S. National Newspaper Abstracts – News (3) The Databases Emalus Campus
11 full text coverage for over 600 titles from 1992 abstract and index coverage for over 1,300 titles from 1971 ABI/INFORM Global Emalus Campus
12 Provides coverage of over 300 publications which includes abstracts for over 3000 titles from 1971 full text for over 1900 titles from 1991 full image for approximately 1700 titles from 1997 Academic Research Library Emalus Campus
13 provides access to most up to date information collection is updated constantly, ensuring that content always remains current provides comprehensive full-text coverage of applied and general science journals e.g. acoustic, astrology, earth science ProQuest Science Journals Emalus Campus
14 provides full text access to 3 major newspapers:- - The New York Times - Wall Street Journal - USA Today- US National Newspaper Abstracts Emalus Campus
15 A selection of full-text newspapers and newswires from Australia and New Zealand covering regional and international topics ProQuest ANZ Newsstand Emalus Campus
16 How to Search ProQuest ProQuest search options: basic advanced topics publications Emalus Campus
17 use phrases e.g. Drugs in sports use quotation marks when using a phrase e.g. “drugs in sport” Basic Search Emalus Campus
18 Basic Search Emalus Campus
19 select a specific database specify a date range restrict articles to full text articles restrict articles to scholarly journals use subject terms Narrowing the Search Emalus Campus
20 to limit your search to a relevant database e.g.with Drugs in sports select Proquest Science Journals instead of using Multiple databases Target a Database Emalus Campus
21 e.g.with Drugs in sports select date range – last 12 months. The results will displayed Use Date Limits Emalus Campus
22 Use Subject Terms Drugs in Sports Subjects: Prescription drugs, Sports medicine, Sports rulesProQuest search options: Emalus Campus
23 Marked articles Marking Articles Emalus Campus
24 Articles may be viewed using the following options: text & graphics PDF Image abstract Viewing Documents Emalus Campus
25 Export marked documents to: account print it out Exporting Marked Documents Emalus Campus
26 Exporting Marked Documents, Cont’d. Emalus Campus
27 Create complex search strategies using field tags boolean operators AND, OR, NOT set combinations Advanced Search Emalus Campus
28 Boolean Operators Advanced Search Emalus Campus
29 The ProQuest Topic Guide lets you find articles by searching an index, or by exploring a hierarchical subject directory Topics Guide Emalus Campus
30 Topics Guide, Cont’d Emalus Campus
31 makes it easy to find the latest issue or a specific back issue of a magazine, journal, or newspaper is normally used when the title of the publication/journal is known search for partial title, i.e. law Publication Search Emalus Campus
32 Publication search, Cont’d Emalus Campus
33 lists marked documents searches history print a bibliography or export articles My Research Emalus Campus
34 Remember- there are many other good subject databases Click on About to find a brief description of the database While each database has a different search screens, most have similar features, especially the advanced search Other USP Databases Emalus Campus