EBSCO and ProQuest in eIFL Countries Paper prepared by Biljana Kosanovic and KoBSON Full-text at: Members only area information sharing Reports, Studies & Articles
Method analysis at the individual journal title level citation analysis as the objective method of judging the quality of journals (JCR) journal title lists provided by aggregators on April, 2003 only full-text journals with ISSN o aggregators abbreviated journal titles in their own way o eg. ISSN we found three titles: (1) Cancer Biotechnology Weekly (1) Cancer Biotechnology Weekly (2) Cancer Weekly (2) Cancer Weekly (3) Cancer Weekly Plus (3) Cancer Weekly Plus
Contents: sub-databases EBSCOProQuest Academic Search Premier ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry Business Source Premier Agriculture Journals MasterFILE Premier Applied Science and Technology Health Sou: Nursing/Academic Career and Technical Education Health Sou: Consumer Edition Computing Regional Business News Education Journals Clinical Pharmacology General Science MEDLINE abs Nursing Journals com ERIC abs Social Sciences Telecommunications
Facts about contents… EBSCOProQuest Unique journal titles Unique full-text journals Full-text journals with impact factor Average impact factor
Common contents 940 EBSCOProQuest 705 unique titles titles 4828 unique titles titles
Facts about contents EBSCOProQuest Current Contents Disciplines %IF%IF Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sci Life Sciences Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences Clinical Medicine Engineering, Computing & Technology Electronics & Telecommunications Colle Social & Behavioral Sciences Business Collection Arts & Humanities
Conclusion EBSCO's package: o expanded their offer o move to STM content ProQuest package: o less number of titles but more significant content o high number of Social Science journals
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