Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) provides access to more than 3,000 types of Earth science data products and specialized services for interdisciplinary studies. EOSDIS Data Centers are co-located with science facilities, educational institutions, and mission instrument teams. Each Data Center serves one or more Earth science disciplines. Each Data Center processes, archives, documents, and distributes data from EOS and heritage instruments. EOSDIS surveys were performed by CFI Group through a contract with the Federal Consulting Group (Dept of Treasury) Survey questions consist of model and demographic questions American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model questions remain the same year to year Minor modifications made to demographic questions NASA provides CFI Group a list of addresses for people who have requested and received data center products Approximately 25,000 in 2006 (21,000 in 2005) Separated list of users for each data center Attention was given to get a balance across data centers CFI sends out invitations and the Survey web site is made available for 3 weeks in the summer Users completed 2953 surveys in 2006 (1,395 in 2005) EOSDIS metrics have been collected, analyzed, distributed for over 10 years. EOSDIS has scored well – on par or better than government benchmarks EOSDIS metrics are analyzed and used for program management and reports. Reports to NASA HQ for evaluation of EOSDIS performance and effectiveness Reports to NASA data center mangers, ESDIS Project, and NASA HQ for determining how best to apply resources to support the science community Annual report since 1993 RDBMS Tables FTP server Web server Import & QC Web server Generate Summaries Operations Log File Data User profiles Product metadata Product search term Page tag manifest Log file manifest UsersAd-hoc Query & Summary Reports SEDAC ORNL NSIDC systems (2) LaRC systems (2) JPL PO.DAAC GSFC systems (3) GHRC EDC LP-DAAC ASF Page Tag Data SEDAC Web ORNL Web NSIDC Web LaRC ASDC Web JPL PO.DAAC Web GSFC Web (3) LP-DAAC Web WIST http https sftp scp Data center configuration information Page Tags Installation script Tracking code NetInsight Page Tag Data Distribution Reports By DAAC Directories GCMD For 2005: 65% said FTP was their preferred method; 22% said download from web Survey Weekly collection of product transactions from science data centers Product and user configuration information is updated by data centers Weekly status reports for monitoring of science instrument data flows Monthly and annual reports for GSFC management briefings covering the recent trends across systems Ad-hoc reports for special science data studies - user characterization, access method trends and high-level analysis at the product level for ad- hoc or annual reviews Real-time collection and posting of user activity at the data center web sites Page tags are configured and installed by data centers Q12. How did you search for the data products or services you were seeking? (n=2,857) In 2004 ESDIS began conducting annual surveys to determine customer satisfaction. Improving services for MODIS and ASTER will improve overall satisfaction. Users often selected more than one instrument as the source of data received in their most recent order. Responses suggest we should conduct further analysis of multi-instrument product searches. Guidance for Science Data Centers through Understanding Metrics Very few users require data delivered on physical media; most users prefer web and ftp for delivery. A significant number of users indicated they would prefer TIFF or GeoTIFF. Indicates further analysis of survey responses – breakdown by instrument Suggests metrics collection and analysis could provide better information 2006 Survey Most users access their data through the web. Anticipate higher utilization of online data systems Respond to users through analysis of WWW access and product request patterns Look for Web content and services to enable new and repeat user communities The survey shows that product search continues to be the top opportunity for improving satisfaction. Responses suggest users prefer data-center specific search tools Majority of users depend on the EOS Data Gateway – the common cross-data center search tool EOSDIS collects ingest, archive, access, and distribution metrics. Ingest and archive – what product files were ingested by the data center and when Corollary: What product files were deleted from the archive Previous versions of products that have been replaced with a new version after reprocessing Products that have been moved to other data centers Distribution - what product files were distributed, by what method, when and to whom Access – who, when and what they go to at the DAAC Collection ed weekly from each data center ESDIS metrics collection and analysis reflect changing user access patterns and an increasing use of metrics for project management. Metrics re-engineering will increase insight into user access and take advantage of recent capabilities offered by commercial venders. New tools for recording and analyzing how users navigate through Web pages, find and access products (NetInsight) Advanced integration of metrics with Web services RDBMS (HTML DB) WWW access: 2.9 Million users in Million users in 2005