1 Personal KPI Dashboard Jacqueline Hoekema Siena Heights University May 2, 2015 RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard 1
Personal Key Performance Indicators Dashboard A dashboard is a tool utilized to give an “at a glance” look into the current status of the indicators we have chosen to follow and trend. Key performance indicators are often tracked and trended to help us identify those opportunities for improvement as well as aid in the maintenance of those key processes that are performing as expected. In order to know where we are going, we have to first assess where we are, and in some cases have been in the past. By trending certain practices over time, we gain the ability to measure outcomes that will either help achieve our goals or identify the need for process improvement or change in current practices. 2 RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard 2
RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard3 Attached is a personal dashboard of my own. It clearly shows the key indicators that I track to successfully manage my time, balance my expenses and revenues, and maintain a healthy diet by tracking the amounts of fruits and vegetable I eat, as well as fast food compared to home cooked meals. The first key performance indicator measures the amount of fast food meals compared to home cooked meals. Tracking this practice will help me identify if the amount of fast food is higher than home cooked meals. Once identified I will be able to moderate the amount of fast food meals. This will keep me on track for my goal of eating healthy. It will also aid in the reduction of expenses. 3
RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard 4 The second key performance indicator is also related to my goal of eating healthy. It tracks the average daily servings of both fruits and vegetables. I have provided a benchmark of 1 serving of each per day per month, and also a target, or goal of 3 servings of both fruits and vegetables per day per month I would like to achieve. This insightful tool helps me trend my healthy, or lack of eating healthy habits. Thirdly, I have chosen to track revenues and expenses. These figures are key to the performance of how much is coming in financially as compared to the bills that need to be paid on a monthly basis. Clearly this piece of the dashboard shows that I am on track for my revenues exceed my expenses. The fourth key performance indicator on my dashboard further breaks down the expenses incurred on a monthly basis. This is critical to the success of my household finances, and balancing my revenues accordingly. Some of the specific expenses 4
RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard 5 include: mortgages, utilities, vehicle loans, cell phone bills, cable and internet services, and insurances, to include vehicle and life. Lastly, the fifth key performance indicator I have chosen to track is the most important to me. I consistently feel overwhelmed as if there is not enough time in day to complete the list of my daily duties in its entirety. Therefore, I have chosen to track and trend the amount of time spent on daily activities. Once I have shown a trend, I can begin to manage my time more wisely and appropriately. This will leave me with a sense of calm, and hopefully negate the feelings of being overwhelmed. This personal dashboard that I have created will be the beginning of a new life for me, in a sense. If I continue to track and measure these key indicators, I will then have a better 5
RUNNING HEAD: Personal KPI Dashboard 6 measurement of process changes or practice improvements that must be put into place in order for me to live a healthier life, as well as manage my time, revenue, and expenses more wisely and appropriately. 6
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