School Funding and places update Gary Redhead 18 th September 2013 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES.


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Presentation transcript:

School Funding and places update Gary Redhead 18 th September 2013 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES

School Balances School Funding Primary Places

Overall Balances in Ealing are too high Over last ten years balances have: More than tripled in the primary sector, £4.8m to £15.5m Doubled in the high school sector, £5.7m to £11.7m Are the highest in cash and per school than our statistical neighbours

Balances to

Balances to by sector

Balances Statistical Neighbours

Reducing balances £9m reduction, an average of £100,000 per school would equate to the median for similar LAs £13m reduction, an average of £150,000 per school would bring us into line with Hounslow No school with a gross balance in excess of 15 per cent, unless for significant project agreed with the LA, No school with a unearmarked balance of 8% primary and special and 5 % high schools

How can schools do this? No need for panic measures just meet your spending plans for earmarked balances, achieving 50% of these would be a big step forward Schools say they will spend balances on: Balance 13/14 budget£6.0m Building Projects£8.6m ICT and FF&E£1.6m Other items£4.6m TOTAL£20.8m

Help and support Plan ahead. Building work of £8.6m is about £1m per school vacation week. Can the supply chain cope? Group together similar projects with others or consider adding your work to our summer programmes Professional advice and support Please talk to us about funding longer term projects Closely monitor revenue spending We want you to spend your money on improving children’s experiences – claw back is a last but real option

School Funding : Background Long term desire to have a national funding formula across main parties Greater certainty for existing and new providers Increase transparency Maximum delegation to schools  Unless de-delegation approved by Schools Forum  Limited range of funding can be retained.

Key Elements Three notional blocks retained  Schools, high needs and early years MFG -1.5% per pupil Delegation of first £6,000 of SEN statement mandatory No change to notional SEN budget Change to mobility factor and deprivation

Consultation Key Questions Minor change to EYFSS Deprivation – proposal to move from FSM to Ever 6, longer term stability in funding formula Mobility – Only funds schools with more than 10% mobility, proposal to shift balance of funding into EAL and Ever 6 Primary and EAL only for high schools Delegation of first £6K – proposal to cap losses, £10,000 primary and £20,000 secondary Responses ed to by FRIDAY 27th

Funding Pressures Modeling assumed cash values remain at levels, but key pressures: Pupil Growth September 2014 up to 10 FE more, need to fund about £750,000 in pupil growth fund Transitional Protection of £440,000 reduced SEN growth pressures and potential changes to high needs funding Pressures offset to some extent by last year’s growth in numbers

Primary Places Between 2014 and 2016 project that there will be up to 14 FE over 25.5 FE permanent expansions agreed Potential pressures across all areas but particularly Acton and Ealing Projections suggest births have peaked at around 5,800 Significant uncertainties – eg benefit cap, state of the economy Mix of potential free schools, expansions and bulge classes

For further information contact Gary Redhead Ealing Council Assistant Director: Schools Planning and Resources Children’s Services