PENNSYLVANIA'S STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (SLO) PROCESS School Leaders © Pennsylvania Department of Education
Goal: Provide school leaders guidance and procedural suggestions for the implementation of student learning objectives (SLOs) as part of PDE’s Educator Effectiveness System. Objectives: 1.Orient school leaders to PDE’s SLO process. 2.Identify roles and responsibilities needed to implement SLOs. 3.Review tasks and suggested procedures for each SLO phase (Design, Build, & Review). 2 Goal & Objectives
3 Supporting Documents 1. Quick Start Guide 2. SLO Process Template 3. School Leader Module 4. Health and PE Model (HPE-R Model) 5. Help Desk Definitions 6. School Leader SLO Checklist 7. Blueprint Example-Physical Education 8. Handout #5-Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO
Training Describe the procedures within each of the 3 phases (i.e., Design, Build, & Review) Provide examples and information about a process Templates Assist in developing customized material Resources Supplements the core training materials 4 Tool Organization
Tool Organization (cont.) 5
6 Training Resources SAS is the PDE website ( containing: Pennsylvania content standards and other helpful PDE developed material A downloadable SLO training “packet”, including SLO Models links to Research in Action’s training platform, Homeroom Homeroom is RIA’s web-based learning platform ( containing: on-line training materials, including the SLO Process Template downloadable SLO training files, except videos links to SAS portal
7 Student Learning Objective Orientation
PDE’s Definition: A process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. 8 Student Learning Objective
9 SLO Process Educator Effectiveness Build Design SLO Process Phases Review ALS Techniques
10 SLO Process Phases The SLO process contains three (3) phases: I.Design (ing): thinking, conceptualizing, organizing, discussing, researching II.Build (ing): selecting, developing, sharing, completing III.Review (ing): refining, checking, updating, editing, testing, finalizing
12 SLO Guiding Principles SLOs should: 1.Represent student performance in a specific course/content area taught by the educator. 2.Align to a targeted set of content standards that represent the depth and breadth of the goal statement. 3.Contain results from only high-quality performance measures collected in an equitable, verifiable, and standardized manner. 4.Use metrics based on two time-bound events/data collection periods and/or summative performance with defined levels of achievement. 5.Include performance indicators linked to performance measures.
SLO Process: Major Components Performance Indicators Performance Measures Goal & Targeted Standards SLO Goal Assessment #1 Indicator #1 Assessment #2 Indicator #2
14 SLO Blueprint Example (Handout #3) Goal Statement Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime Performance MeasurePM #1 Physical Activity Student Log (Fitnessgram) PM #2 My Personal Fitness (Pre & Post) Testteria in rubric. Targeted Standard A; C; D, F Performance Indicator PM #1 Physical Activity Student Log (Fitnessgram) PM #2 My Personal Fitness (Pre & Post) Test
1.Goals are based upon the “Big Ideas” within PA’s curriculum framework. 2.Goals are specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. 3.Performance measures are valid, reliable, and rigorous. 4.Performance data are collected, organized, summarized, and reported in a consistent manner. 5.Teacher expectations of student achievement are challenging. 15 SLO Intent
16 Student Learning Objective School Leaders Roles and Responsibilities
17 Generic Procedural Timeline 1.Establish initial SLO timeline at the beginning of the school year 2.Review completed template with educator 3.Agree on any revisions; sign SLO Template 4.Establish “mid-cycle” implementation check 5.Conduct end-of-year review of summarized performance data 6.Determine SLO rating; sign SLO Template
SLO Timeframe “Typical School Year” 18
SLO Phases - Roles and Responsibilities- 19 DESIGN Roles & Responsibilities Educators: Identify content standards and students Leaders: Identify school-wide needs and timeline for submission BUILD Roles & Responsibilities Educators: Identify performance measures and expectations within the SLO Process Template Leaders: Clarify and guide SLO template completion REVIEW Roles & Responsibilities Educators: Verify the SLO is complete and comprehensive Leaders: Validate expectations and ensure coherency
Roles and Responsibilities 20 Assignments: are determined locally and could vary across PA. are flexible and may change during the school year. for SLO development may be “shared” across grade- levels or departments. of new roles may include SLO trainer, co-developer, and/or quality reviewer for lead teachers, department chairpersons and other leaders.
21 Student Learning Objective Tasks and Procedures
22 Design Phase: Tasks
23 SLO Process Template The framework used to identify goals, performance measures, and performance indicators for use in the Elective portion of PA’s Educator Evaluation System.
24 SLO Process Sections Context Goal Measures Indicators Elective Rating
25 Design: Educator Tasks 1.Identify subject (content area) and students 2.Select a “Big Idea” from the content standards 3.Draft a goal statement and rationale 4.Identify preliminary indicators and performance measures 5.Develop a “blueprint”
26 Design: Leader Tasks 1.Establish timeline and expectations for SLOs 2.Identify SLO training and other resources 3.Identify any school-wide needs that can be supported by the SLO process 4.Disseminate achievement data from prior year(s)
27 Build Phase: Tasks
28 Build: Educator Tasks -Sections 1 & 2- 1.Identify subject and students to be included in the SLO data 2.Report “typical” class size, frequency, and duration 3.Finalize “Big Idea” goal statement and rationale 4.Identify PA standards associated with the goal 5.Verify completion of Section 1 and 2
29 SLO Template -Section 1 & SLO Goal 2a. Goal Statement 2b. PA Standards 2c. Rationale 1.Classroom Context 1a. Name1b. School1c. District 1d. Class/Course Title 1e. Grade Level 1f. Total # of Students 1g. Typical Class Size 1h. Class Frequency 1i. Typical Class Duration
30 Build: Educator Tasks -Section Identify performance measures by name, type, and metric 2.Record or reference the “purpose statement” for each measure 3.Identify any unique accommodations, resources, equipment, and scoring tools needed by the measure 4.Reference or note the administration frequency, personnel, scoring, and reporting for each measure 5.Verify completion of Section 3
31 SLO Template -Section Performance Measures (PM) 3a. Name PM #1 PM #2 3b. Type ____District-designed Measures and Examinations ____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests ____Industry Certification Examinations ____Student Projects ____Student Portfolios ____ Other:______________________________ 3c. Purpose PM #1 PM #2 3d. Metric Growth (change in student performance across two or more points in time) Mastery (attainment of a defined level of achievement) Growth and Mastery 3e. Administration Frequency PM #1 PM #2 3f. Adaptations/ Accommodations IEP ELL Gifted IEP Other 3g. Resources/ Equipment PM #1 PM #2 3h. Scoring Tools PM #1 PM #2 3i. Administration & Scoring Personnel PM #1 PM #2 3j. Performance Reporting PM #1 PM #2 Summary
32 Build: Educator Tasks -Section Identify performance indicators for the “All Students” group a)Ensure each indicator is associated with one performance measure b)Ensure each indicator articulates a performance standard for individual student achievement (e.g., 70% accuracy, 4 out of 5 on the rubric) NOT expectations for groups of students (e.g., 70% of students meets proficiency rate) 2.Optional: Identify performance indicators for any subgroup/cohort of SLO students 3.Optional: Require performance indicators to be “linked” or “weighted” 4.Verify completion of Section 4
33 SLO Template -Section Performance Indicators (PI) 4a. PI Targets: All Student Group PI Target #1 PI Target #2 4b. PI Targets: Focused Student Group PI Target #1a PI Target #2a 4c. PI Linked (optional) 4d. PI Weighting (optional)
34 Build: Educator Tasks -Section Establish the performance “continuum” ranging from 0% to 100% meeting the targets a)Ensure ranges balance rigor with reason b)Refrain from using grading ranges found with pupil progression policies c)Consider the varied degree of rigor among different performance measure and standards 2.Review SLO Template, including Elective Rating, with the designated school leader 3.Verify completion of Section 5
35 5. Elective Rating 5a. Level Failing 0% to ___ % of students will meet the PI targets. Needs Improvement ___% to ___% of students will meet the PI targets. Proficient ___% to ___% of students will meet the PI targets. Distinguished ___% to 100% of students will meet the PI targets.. Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______ 5b. Rating Distinguished (3) Proficient (2) Needs Improvement (1) Failing (0) Notes/Explanation. Teacher Signature _________________________Date______ Evaluator Signature _____________________Date______ SLO Template -Section 5-
36 Build: Leader Tasks 1.Clarify expectations for SLOs 2.Provide additional SLO training and other resources 3.Screen draft material prior to conferencing with educator 4.Designate a school-based, subject matter expert (SME) to support development 5.Coordinate district and IU professional development
37 Review Phase: Tasks
38 Review: Educator Tasks 1.Evaluate each Section of the SLO Process Template #4 using Handout #5-Quality Assurance Checklist-SLO 2.Identify and correct any SLO element that deviates from the business rules 3.Organize the SLO Process Template, Assessments, and Summary Data Report 4.Conduct review with school leader 5.Finalize and sign form
39 Review: Leader Tasks 1.Conduct preliminary review (screen) of proposed SLO 2.Implement conference with educator: a)Develop “triage” from screening materials b)Align time allocation given preliminary review c)Provide “key points of discussion” prior to conference 3.Discuss proposed SLO and applicable performance measures 4.Identify any corrections, refinements, etc. 5.Sign form and establish follow-up timeline
40 Procedural -Conference- The SLO process facilitates an ongoing conversation about expectations between educators and school leaders
41 Procedural -Discussion Points: Fall- Goals- Standards What is the subject/content focus? Who does it encompass? How can it improve instruction/practice? Measures Why are they considered high quality measures? Who administers and scores the measures? What types of data are produced? Indicators What are the indicators of success? How are they being measured? Which students are they based upon?
42 Procedural -Discussion Points: Winter- Goals- Standards How has the instruction supported the subject/content focus? Which student groups are making progress or struggling? What instruction/practice adaptations will be needed in the spring? Measures Which measures have been administered so far? Are additional measures necessary at this time? What is the data telling us about student growth and/or mastery? Indicators Are indicators of success still applicable? How well are the indicators working? Which indicators are producing data about student performance?
43 Procedural -Discussion Points: Spring- Goals- Standards To what degree was the “Big Idea” mastered by students? Which content standards will need additional instruction? How can the standards be taught more effectively? Measures Which measures should be discontinued or need significant revisions? To what degree did students meet your expectations? What data points had the most influence on your overall rating? Indicators Which indicators were established too high or too low? What did the indicators tell you about student performance? Which student groups underperformed on selected indicators?
44 Procedural -Areas of Caution- 1.SLO is based upon small numbers of students or data points. 2.Goals or indicators are “loosely” linked to targeted standards. 3.Indicators are vague without specific performance criteria. 4.Growth and/or mastery is not clearly defined. 5.Performance measures are poorly designed, lack rigor, or do not measure the targeted standard(s). 6.Overall achievement expectations are unattainable.
This module focused on providing school leaders content details needed to implement SLOs within PDE’s Educator Effectiveness System. 45 Summary PDE POC: Mr. David Deitz The RIA Group POC: Dr. J.P. Beaudoin Help Desk: Hot Line: