This series of five presentations has the following goals: Presentation III A Discussion with School Boards: Raising the Graduation Rate, High School Improvement, and Policy Decisions
Present information on the Virginia Graduation Rate Review the Standards of Accreditation requirements concerning the Graduation and Completion Index and accreditation for and beyond Review a comprehensive, systematic process for high school improvement through the Eight Elements of High School Improvement Present information on the Virginia Early Warning System Tool and Guide Promote discussion on policy issues affecting high school improvement efforts Presentation III Goals for Presentations
Presentation III Eight Elements of High School Improvement: A Mapping Framework* Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction Assessment and Accountability Teacher Quality and Professional Development Student and Family Supports Stakeholder Engagement Leadership and Governance Organization and Structure Resources for Sustainability *National High School Center
Engage the interests, needs, skills, and resources of all stakeholders Foster relationships among all schools, the workforce, families, and communities Invite all appropriate stakeholders to the table for critical planning and decision-making Presentation III Element 5 Stakeholder Engagement High schools exist in unique social, political, and cultural contexts, and high school improvement efforts should incorporate stakeholder engagement strategies that recognize these unique qualities.
Presentation III Element 5 Stakeholder Engagement (cont.) High schools exist in unique social, political, and cultural contexts, and high school improvement efforts should incorporate stakeholder engagement strategies that recognize these unique qualities (cont.) Incorporate multiple communication strategies that encourage two- way communications Acknowledge and draw on the strengths of all stakeholder groups Incorporate technologies to more creatively and effectively support stakeholder engagement
Presentation III Element 6 Leadership and Governance Promoting and supporting high-quality instructional and organizational leadership at the building and division levels require exercising leadership and approaches to governance that will achieve effective school improvement. Provide principals with adequate knowledge, time, and interpersonal skills to work with teachers as they define curricular and instructional goals and develop instructional strategies Promote distributed leadership, encouraging multiple roles for teacher leaders
Presentation III Element 6 Leadership and Governance (cont.) Promoting and supporting high-quality instructional and organizational leadership at the building and division levels require exercising leadership and approaches to governance that will achieve effective school improvement (cont.). Incorporate alternative structures to address management, discipline, and other high school functions Shift the focus of policymakers to support comprehensive high school improvement centered on strengthening the instructional core Enact enabling policies and codify a vision, a mission, and/or strategic plans for scale-up and sustainability
Presentation III Element 7 Organization and Structure Many high school initiatives are enhanced by or may necessitate change from the organization and structure of traditional, comprehensive high schools toward other operational structures. Support effective teaching and learning and personalization Support alternative time/scheduling approaches Provide increased opportunities to learn, such as virtual and/or dual enrollment courses or work-based internships
Presentation III Element 7 Organization and Structure (cont.) Many high school initiatives are enhanced by or may necessitate change from the organization and structure of traditional, comprehensive high schools toward other operational structures (cont.). Include students with special needs in the general curriculum with access to all opportunities Support teacher organizational changes beyond traditional departmental structures Support the positive process of culture changes
Be responsible stewards of physical and human capital, facilities, tools, and materials Adequately staff initiatives and acknowledge need for workload equalization/reduction Give new initiatives the time and resources needed to take hold Incorporate changes into the classroom Move effective practices into full implementation Define priorities and allocate needed resources to sustain them over time Presentation III Element 8 Resources for Sustainability Critical to any high school improvement initiatives are the identification and commitment of adequate fiscal and other resources.