Tonga Power Reliability Indicators Review Results and Recommendations Pauline Muscat Consultant October 2013
Objective Review historical outage data and develop suitable reliability indicator targets
Methodology Review last 12 months outage data Investigate and evaluate data measurement, collection and analysis processes, to identify any issues Wide consultation with staff at all levels Review reporting calculations and functions Data set refinement as required Conduct training for Fault Operator, Fault Repair and Generation staff, in accurate data collection and purpose in company performance Analysed data Developed targets Recommendations
Issues - Technical Calculation for indicators was using LV Number of customers in network has grown, needed update Date/time anomaly in FileMaker resulting in escalated results Incomplete outage records; no finish time, customers affected Incorrect outage records; HV outage, no of customers = 0 etc, incorrect Fault type selected Discrepancies between Generation and Distribution records Incomplete table of number of customers on each transformer
Issues – Non-technical Lack of team work across departments; Departments focused only on their own functions Lack of understanding of importance of accurate data collection amongst staff Improvement observed in Fault Operator entries over past months, not recognised or rewarded Despondent fault entry staff due to feeling they had been kept as trainees for too long (over 18 mths) Lack of training for Fault Response staff
Data Validation Removed LV outages from SAIDI, SAIFI calculation Corrected for duration anomaly Updated number of customers in network (to 15,432) Completed records that had been left incomplete Reviewed suspect or invalid records, especially customers affected Cross checked data against Generation log book Validated average outage durations by expert review Checked against reported results in other Pacific utilities Resulted in overall 20% reduction in reported SAIDI.
Data Analysis Compared old data and adjusted/corrected data and predicted SAIDI improvement 20% by addressing issues with data Actual improvement after corrections was 20% Reviewed Data for SAIDI,SAIFI,CAIDI; cumulative yearly and mthly Reviewed breakdown of indicators between Gen and HV Reviewed outages for Gen and HV
Data Correction 1423 min/cust/yr
Av: 91.0 min/cust/mth
Gen Av: 50.4 min/cust
1273 min
79.2 min/mth
Targets 1 Common KPI Target for all to work together to achieve Target: 5% Improvement on SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI Company wide communication and involvement and reward Yearly Goal, Reported and Calculated Monthly Excludes extreme weather events Continued improved data recording and reporting
Av 91.0 min/cust/mth Target: 86.5 min/cust/mth Target: 1082 min/cust/yr Total: 1138 min/cust/yr
Target: 1082 m/cust/yr Total: 1138 m/cust/yr Av 1.2 int/cust/mth Target: 1.1 int/cust/mth Total 15 interruptions/cust/mth Target: 14 int/cust/mth
Av 79.2 min/mth Target: 75.3 min/mth Total 918 min Target: 826 min
PPA Benchmarking SAIDI
Any Questions? PPA Benchmarking SAIDI
Any Questions? PPA Benchmarking SAIDI
PPA Benchmarking SAIFI
Recommendations Extend work to cover outer islands. Reliability indicators will likely improve by incorporating more customers. Analyse fault response times and LV outages and develop targets Unify all Tonga Power workers by setting a common set of KPI targets (eg SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI), with bonus payments for achieving targets. Company wide communication and involvement and reward will instill ownership and encourage co-operation and support across department. Continued improvement in data measurement, collection and analysis Reinforce and continue training