Library Orientation Carey Theological College - MDiv
Academic Research Outline o Allison Library catalogue o Allison Library indexes & databases (journal articles) o UBC Library resources: indexes / databases, subject guides, interlibrary loans o Internet (Web) research o Library Tour
Theological Research Tools Reference books Good sources for background information & provide Summary of the topic Keywords and terms related to the topic Important names / places associated with the topic Atlases (Bible) Book Reviews Bible (versions, interlinear, parallel) Commentaries (exegetical and devotional) Dictionaries & Encyclopedia Handbooks (manuals, almanacs)
Research Planning Search Strategy: –Use terminology from background research and synonyms of keywords Consider Keywords Use reference material for: names, people, concepts, terminology Consider Synonyms e.g. ‘Church’, synonyms might be: congregation, assembly, gathering, ecclesical,... ecclesiology,... denomination,.... ecclesiastical,... body of Christ.
Boolean operators: And, Or, Not Justice AND Baptist AND NARROWS the search Justice OR Baptist OR BROADENS the search Justice NOT Baptist NOT LIMITS the search Use NOT with caution
Combining Boolean Operators Refine a search by grouping synonyms with brackets For example Christian AND (justice OR ethics) (Christian OR Baptist) AND (justice OR ethics)
Search strategies: Truncation/Wildcards Truncation: use * Reform* * = wild card for any letters after the “m” will search for... Reforms Reformed Reformation Reforming Wildcards: use ? Wom?n will search for all occurrences of: Woman Women Womyn
In Theolog - Track it down Kimber –Item is a thesis –Probably not in any libraries –TREN? –ProQuest? Fagan –“Fred Victor Mission story” –Older 1993 –WorldCat (UBC or free version) –Interlibrary loan
Journals (scholarly aka peer-reviewed vs popular) Journal Indexes & Databases –Print –Electronic – Citations (source only: author, title etc.) – Abstracts (short comment on articles contents) – Full Text (hardcopy, PDF or HTML) Journal articles: Indexes & Databases
Allison Library subscribes to: EBSCO databases (five) : ATLA Serials main database for theology and religion New Testament Abstracts (NTA) Old Testament Abstracts (OTA) Catholic Periodical Literature Index (COLI) Christian Periodical Index (CPI) ProQuest Religion: Smaller database than ATLA but full text Religious and Theological Abstracts (RTA) Some overlap with above sources TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network) Theses and Dissertations Journal articles: Indexes & Databases
NEW! A – Z aka A to Z
Remote Access: Ezproxy
Allison Library Fall 2014 Essay = Chapter Article
Overlap: EBSCO, ProQuest, RTA & TREN Q: Why search more than EBSCO? A: There might be Overlap and Full Text Crux (overlap) – EBSCO – RTA – Not in Proquest Church & State (overlap) – EBSCO 01/01/1986 (volume 39) [no full text] – ProQuest 01/01/1992 (volume 45) [full text from 1999] There MAY be overlap in the databases The overlap may be limited BUT sometimes FULL TEXT might be available
Allison Library Fall 2011
UBC Journal & Indexes Access X
IF you have an Article title and Journal title AND the article is NOT available in full text through our databases THEN does UBC have full-text access? Go to UBC Library > Advanced Search UBC Library: article finding tool Allison Library Fall 2014 EG Faith myth and politics in Jewish Quarterly Review
FIRST check the Allison, VST, & St. Marks libraries (Theolog) UBC Library: Interlibrary Loans THEN go to UBC Library > Use the Library Borrowing Services > Borrowing from non- UBC Libraries (ILL)
Real time search... Ducklow: “… academic paper entitled ‘A View of the Prodigal Family’ you will think through the Biblical text (Luke 15), provide a Family Systems Theory understanding, and suggest recommendations for a pastoral care strategy for this family based on your readings and your understanding of theology and psychology.” Which Keywords? Which Resource Sources? Theolog, EBSCO (Luke 15:11 and keywords) ProQuest, RTA, TREN, UBC
Real time search... Smith: Cross Cultural Each student will write a short paper discussing one cross-cultural issue from either the OT (but it cannot be an OT Law) or NT in which the ritual, tradition, practice as described in scripture differs from the local cultural practice. [e.g. Rites of passage, baptism (including baptism of the dead), marriage, death, Lord’s Supper etc.] Which Rite? (Encyclopedia of Religion) Which Resource Sources? Theolog (culture, customs & ___), EBSCO, ProQuest, RTA, TREN, UBC, Wabash
Real time search... Smith: Genre Each student will write a paper (2000 words double spaced) interpreting a passage from a particular genre. The purpose of this essay is to apply the hermeneutical principles that you have learned in this course to a particular genre of material from the Bible. One must explain the meaning of the passage in its original historical context and try to ascertain the author’s original intended meaning in light of its literary context. The work must interact with 1-2 commentaries and journal articles that are appropriately referenced in the footnotes and bibliography
Real time search... Smith: Genre Approach Choose genre then find a passage OR Choose passage and determine genre THEN Determine original historical context / meaning of both genre & passage
Internet Resources: Links & Portals What about Wikipedia?
Reciprocal borrowing privileges VST St. Mark’s / Corpus Christi Trinity Western University UBC Other Canadian colleges & universities (COPPUL)
Review: Key Resources Use / utilize: Reference sources: Dictionaries, etc. Provide good overview of topic and useful terminology for further research Library catalogue(s): Allison / VST, UBC, St. Mark’s Subject headings Journals / serials Indexes, either print or electronic databases Online links and portals
Additional help Reference Librarian – In person at the reference desk – By phone – By – By Skype : richard.matiachuk-jra – Follow on
Library Orientation Library Tour