Opening School Checklist Below is a reminder list of “Things to Do” for Opening School Tasks to help you keep track. Thanks for working to check off the items by the assigned times and turning them in. your class schedule to administration and the curriculum coordinator by Friday (Aug. 31) at 8:30am. Each teacher must submit a hard copy of your classroom management plan and expectations by September 7. These will also be shared with parents on Sept. 13 at Back to School Night. Daily attendance must be completed each day by 9:15am (paper copy and then the same for NCWise). Include any notes, bus changes, etc, with the attendance All of the colored information cards and Student-Parent Compacts you have received need to be turned in on Friday with your attendance sheet. Please send a reminder home with students who don’t have their cards so we can get updated information for the front office and NCWise updates. If you are planning to be absent between now and September 30, you need to submit a Leave Request form with Mrs. Yates so it will be in by the two week deadline for principal approval. All leaves are not automatically approved, so please follow this process (outlined in the handbook). Please make sure that you reference the duty schedules and report. You should also make sure you have a back up plan/person or notify your sub if you have a duty so the area doesn’t go unsupervised. All grade levels must turn in which team members are assuming the following leadership roles: SIT Team Rep, Magnet Team Rep, PBIS Team Rep, and Hospitality. Each grade level, EC, ESL, EC TAs, and Specialists should be represented on these teams. Also, remember that ILT’s with less than 4 years of experience or career teachers with 28 or more years of experience may assume any of these leadership roles but must complete a waiver requesting to take on that responsibility. If you have students who need classroom supplies, contact Ms. McCoy so they won’t go without. If you need furniture or materials added to or removed from your classroom, please use the Request forms in the Workroom. Submit these to the folder in Mr. Martin’s door and he will put them on the custodial list. Please do not make requests to custodians directly, as they have a daily list of tasks. Please make sure your Lesson Plans are in the Shared Folder for this week already. Next week’s plans are due Friday. We have seen some really good lesson planning, so we know you all are working hard on this and we see the commitment. Thanks for being so diligent about this. All bus changes (notes requesting students ride a different bus) should be submitted with your daily attendance so passes can be approved and returned to you before dismissal. The Administrative Team
Safety Checklist Keep up the good work! Here are some other Safety Reminders you can do to make sure your room meets requirements. Let us know if we can help you with any of these checkpoints. Please make sure that: No chemicals or cleaning materials are out and accessible to the students. The only chemicals or cleaners allowed in the building are district materials or items that have a MSDS safety sheet on record in the main office. Those approved items have to be secure in a locked area out of the reach of children. We will likely have a safety check at school in the first 10 days. Please make sure no items are hanging on or attached to the blinds or blocking the view of the window on your classroom door. Classroom windows are the second exit on the new wing and the pod. We may not block that area with any items on the windows, window blinds, window sills, or on the floor with furniture that would prohibit students/staff from exiting safely. Extension cords, appliances, and holiday lights are not permitted because they are labeled for household use. You all have done a good job of keeping items off of the ceilings. Remember there must be a 2 foot clearance below the ceiling for storage. Thanks for making sure that no more than 20% of the wall should be covered. We will notify you if we see any concerns with this area. Due to new regulations, we have been told that hand sanitizer use must be supervised by adults because of risk of student consumption and/or the use of the material to fuel fires. Please put out of reach of students while stored and monitor it’s use as you always do. Students should not be allowed to use their own bottles of this substance without your permission. Please explain this to students. The Administrative Team