MBBS Hons 2010 Jill McTaggart Joint PA Hospital/UQ Library MBBS Honours Literature Review
MBBS Hons 2010 Summary of information on Core MBBS library website for Hons students UQ Library web page – Services for Coursework Postgraduates UQ Student services page – PhD writing/ Literature review Where to find help
MBBS Hons 2010 Where to search? Google Scholar – see what’s out there, but also conference proceedings & poster publications UQ Library catalogue – textbooks for background info? Theses – latest published (also called Dissertations) – –Australian Digital Theses Program –eThOS [UK] –Index to Theses with Abstracts Accepted for Higher Degrees in Great Britain and Ireland –ProQuest Dissertations and Theses [North America and Europe] UQ eSpace – for current UQ publications, preprints and research data Databases – PubMed, OVID Medline, EMBASE.com, Cochrane Library
MBBS Hons 2010 Accessing full text articles via Databases – OVID Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus UQ Library catalogue – find title of journal and link to full text Google, Google Scholar, Scirus Document Delivery (Request It) –Use it for journal articles where journals are in warehouse, at other libraries or not available at UQ –we the pdf document to your student
MBBS Hons 2010 Other methods of finding citations Look at bibliographies and studies within Systematic reviews Cited reference searching – use Scopus, Web of Science or Google Scholar Also use: Limiting Title searching Using Subject heading terms – MeSH or Emtree headings
MBBS Hons 2010 Endnote A place to store your references and notes & pdfs Saves you hours when writing inserts in-text citations and will produce your bibliography in the reference style you want Endnote X4 will import data from a pdf and will also pull in the full text of articles for you.
MBBS Hons 2010 Searching – develop your search strategy Define your topic and summarise it into one or two sentences. – Can use PICO Identify the key concepts List possible synonyms or related terms for those concepts. Alternative spellings. Combine the key terms or concepts in your search Note: there is not one perfect search!
MBBS Hons 2010 Use Boolean Searching… Combine similar words with OR Combine concepts with AND AND - narrows a search eg clothing and infection control OR – broadens a search eg myocardial infarction OR cardiovascular event NOT - excludes terms eg human not animal
MBBS Hons 2010 Tips for searching PubMed Combine your searches in history – (in Advanced) Use Details to make sure you know how Pubmed has searched! Use MeSH and keyword searching Can use field searching (in Advanced) Use Limits to narrow your search Can use clinical queries to find different study types depending on your clinical question type Can register with My NCBI – to save searches and filter out your results
MBBS Hons 2010 A new Library Newsletter
MBBS Hons 2010 Finally… Contact me to check on or refine your search strategy We can organise a class for further searching tips and/or how to use Endnote. Please me….