Who are Registered Nurses? Registered Nurses (RN) perform the basic tasks in every medical setting such as, treating patients, documentation, educating, performing tests, analyzing results, and more.
Thesis This research project will outline the basic components of the medical field, specifically nurses, and discuss both the stereotypes and ethical considerations.
Stereotypes These stereotypes are well- known and believed due to the media’s portrayal of nurses: The Doctor’s Handmaiden Failed MDs A Woman’s Job
Doctor’s Handmaiden Florence Nightingale originally trained nurses to be obedient to the doctor (Bridges, 1990). Reflected the patriarchal Victorian Society Reinforced by media
Failed Medical Doctors (MD) Undermines the efforts required to become an RN Influences MDs to be perceived as “an intelligent machine for the purpose of carrying out their orders” (Benjamin, 1988, p. 38).
A Woman’s Job Men don’t cry: not as caring as women Men are assumed to be less suitable for certain aspects of nursing (Poliafico, 2002).
Ethics -the rules of conduct and moral principles of an individual Interacting with patients is a main aspect in nursing, which can lead to various ethical dilemmas. Life Support Freedom vs. Control The DNR Form
Conclusion This research project has improved our view on nurses. They’re required to do much more in the medical field than expected. Nursing is continuing to evolve and is filled with many noble and hardworking individuals whom deserve respect.
Resources Bridges, J. M. (1990). Literature review on the images of the nurse and nursing in the media. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15, Benajmin, M. (1988). Nursing Ethics: An Emerging Integrity Case Studies in Nursing Ethics by Robert M. Veatch; Sara T. Fry: The Hastings Center Report, Gallagher, A. (2011). Ethical issues in patient restraint. Nursing Times, 107(9), Retrieved from mental-health/-ethical-issues-in-patient-restraint/ article Michael, J. E. (2002). DNR orders: Proceed with caution. Nursing Management. Retrieved from Whittock, M., & Leonard, L. (2003). Stepping outside the stereotype. A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal Of Nursing Management, 11(4).
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