V IDEO R EVIEW / A UDIO T ECHNOLOGY Instructor: Ms. Copeland.


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Presentation transcript:

V IDEO R EVIEW / A UDIO T ECHNOLOGY Instructor: Ms. Copeland

Course Objective: Premiere Pro CS6 Certification 1 Environment: Classroom Rules and Equipment 2 Personality, Teamwork, and Leadership Importance 3 Agenda

Class Rules THERE WILL BE NO TALKING ALLOWED WHEN THE INSTRUCTOR, GUEST SPEAKER, OR OTHER STUDENTS ARE ADDRESSING THE CLASS (as in presentations). NO CELL PHONES, IPODS, ETC. WILL BE ALLOWED IN CLASS. All students must turn these items off and place them out of sight BEFORE they enter the classroom and they must remain off and out of sight until the final bell rings. IF STUDENTS ARE CAUGHT WITH THESE ITEMS VISIBLE, THEY WILL BE CONFISCATED AND SUBMITTED TO THE AP FOR PARENT PICK-UP. NO FOOD, DRINKS OR GUM ARE ALLOWED IN CLASS. Students are expected to participate in all classroom discussions and activities. Those not participating will lose points on their participation grade. All rules found in the Chula Vista High School Student Handbook will be enforced at all times. NO INAPPROPRIATE USE OF THE INTERNET / EQUIPMENT (EX: GAMES, MUSIC, SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, ETC.) NO LOUD TALKING OR FOUL LANGUAGE STUDENTS WILL STAY IN THEIR SEATS UNTIL THE INSTRUCTOR DISMISSES THE CLASS Violations of these rules will affect classroom citizenship grade

Course Description and Objectives This year long course provides entry level training in the TV, Film & Digital Media. Instruction covers Computer Multimedia Applications, Media Production, Pre-Production and Post- Production, Distribution Formats and Digital Audio Production. As part of this course, you will gain experience in using video cameras, cardioid microphones, and tripods for filming. Premiere Pro and Final Cut are the current industry standard softwares for video editing. The software will we. We will focus on Premiere Pro CS6 and integrate other programs as needed. One of the main objectives for this course is to prepare you for passing Adobe’s Visual Communication Using Premiere Pro professional certification exam.

Safe Production Practices Equipment Safety Equipment is expensive and YOUR responsibility. ALWAYS CONSIDER THE NEXT VIDEOGRAPHY TEAM! Turn cameras off and remove smart cards. Wrap cables properly and return them to their cases. Pack equipment in its respective cases and compartments. Put equipment away when finished. Hearing and Protection In general, we lose some of our hearing as we get older. Protecting your hearing while you are young will help prevent some of the natural hearing lose that occurs with age. Keep levels as soft as possible. – Remember, Audio / Sound Engineers are paid for their hearing ability! Protect it!

Activity: Review Questions Go to Kahoot.It Log-in using the classroom number (I will broadcast it) S2: TV, Film & Digital Media Intro / Review 5 questions

Video Production Stages There are three distinct stages of video production: pre-production, production and post-production. Large scale television and film productions will often have dedicated teams working on each phase. Pre-Production is the initial phase and can last months or years. Occupations involved in preproduction include screenwriters, producers, and directors.

Video Pre-Production Pre-Production - The pre-production phase of a project is where all the planning takes place. Video Scripting and Storyboarding Location scouting and selection Casting Sets / Props built Wardrobe designed and made

Video Production Stage Production - Production begins once video footage is shot or audio is recorded. It usually lasts about one month for smaller films up to a few months for larger ones. Occupations involved in video production include assistant directors and production assistants; electric, light, and sound workers (gaffers, grips, boom operators, sound technicians); makeup, hair, and wardrobe workers; cinematographers; and actors.

Video Production Stage Production Video Shooting footage: lighting, framing, composition, B-roll

Video Post Production During film post-production, which usually lasts a few months, the production footage is transformed into the completed film. Occupations involved in postproduction include editors, visual effects artists, sound editors, sound designers, and composers.

Audio Production Stages There are three distinct stages of audio production: pre-production, production and the post-production phase. There are two types of audio recording: studio and live. Pre-Production is the initial phase of both. It is the planning phase for the entire project.

Audio Pre-Production Audio Studio Pre-Production Composing: Creating an original piece of music: determine the tempo, key and structure. Live Pre-Production Set-up: Transporting and securing equipment, hiring a mobile studio

Audio Production The production phase of audio can last months (ADR or music CD’s) or years (music CD recording). For both studio and live production, this is the stage where the actual recording takes place.

Audio Production Audio Studio Production Recording: The process of capturing data or translating information into a recording format and storing it on some form of storage media (computer, tape, film, CD, DVD) Sound Recording: An electrical representation of sound waves (digital or analog) Live Production Recording of the performance

Audio Post Production Post Production - The post production process begins after all audio has been recorded. This is the stage when the final product is created. Audio Studio Post Production Mixing: setting levels, adding processing and effects (done per song) Mastering: preparing of the final mix from which all copies will be made, done per project Live Post Production Editing, mixing and mastering of the recording in a recording studio

Post Production (TV / Film) Audio Post Production usually refers to audio that is synchronized with video. One major aspect of audio post production is the use of automatic dialogue replacement or additional dialogue recording (ADR). Actors are sometimes brought into a recording studio to record some or all of their dialogue from the project after the production is completed. The director may feel the audio is lacking in quality or performance or the dialogue may need to be cleaned up for television.

Summary Topics Class Rules Course Description and Objectives Safe Production Practices Video and Audio Production Cycles

Attitude A positive attitude is important for success in the world of work! Good News! Attitude can always be improved!

Activity: Review Questions Go to Kahoot.It Log-in using the classroom number (I will broadcast it) S2: Video & Audio Production Stages 8 questions

Assignment Research the three phases of video production. Select an occupation that might interest you from one of the phases. (Reference: Copy and paste the following questions into a Word document and answer them regarding your chosen occupation: (INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS WITH YOUR ANSWERS!!!!!!!!) 1.Which occupation interests you? 2.What duties does this job entail? 3.Which production phase is it part of? 4.How much education will you need? 5.Can you use the required skills in an industry other than film and television? 6.What is the job outlook for this profession? (Is it expected to grow or decline in the next 10 years?) 7.What is the average pay for this job in California?

Assignment Due: 1 / 15 / 2015 When finished, copy your work to a Juno document and submit it to the dropbox in Jupiter Grades. Log-in to Jupiter Grades Click the name of the assignment: Occupational Outlook The dropbox will open. Select Create a New Juno doc. Copy and paste your work into the New Juno doc. Submit.