The Seven Seals Revelation 6 – 8:5 (p )
Structure of the rest of the Book: The Seven Seals(Rev 6 – 8:5) The Seven Trumpets(Rev 8:6 – 11) The Dragon and the Child(Rev 12 – 14) The Seven Bowls(Rev 15 – 16) The Final Victory(Rev 17 – 22)
Seven Seals (6 – 8:5) 1. White Horse – Conquest 2. Red Horse – War 3. Black Horse – Famine 4. Pale Horse – Death 5. The Martyrs 6. The People of Earth a. The 144,000 b. The uncountable 7. The Seven Trumpets Seven Trumpets (8:6–11) 1. Earth devastated 2. Sea to blood 3. Water bitter 4. Sun, Moon, stars dark 5. “Locust” plague 6. Mighty cavalry a. The Angel & the Scroll b. The Two Witnesses 7. Worship – God reigns Seven Bowls (15 – 16) 1. Painful sores 2. Sea to blood 3. Water to blood 4. Scorching Sun 5. Darkness & agony 6. Evil Spirits like frogs a. Word of Blessing b. Gathering for Battle 7. Final Earthquake
God let’s human sin run its course: White Horse:Conquest, tyranny, oppression Red Horse:War and civil war Black Horse:Famine, deprivation, starvation Pale Horse:Death God Limits the consequences – “do not damage the oil and the wine” (6:6) Kill [“only”] one fourth of the earth (6:8)
Fifth Seal – the Martyrs under the altar For the Word of God and their Testimony Cry out – “How long?” Given a white robe Told to wait Until the full number [of martyrs] is reached Sixth Seal – God acts against the Evil on the Earth. Hide in the caves and the rocks Prefer death to facing the wrath of God Call out – “who can withstand it?”
The Four Angels at the corners of the earth They hold back the wrath of God. The Angel with the seal. The wrath of God does not come against those who are sealed! The people of the earth and the beast fight God by persecuting his people. Final victory belongs to God
The 144,000 witnesses Unlike any of the 18 OT listings of the 12 tribes – Judah is first (tribe of the Lamb). Usually its Reuben (the oldest son). Usually Joseph and Levi are not listed. Manasseh and Ephraim (Joseph’s sons) are listed. Joseph is listed with his son Manasseh. Levi is listed (Priests – cf. 1 Peter 2:9). Joseph’s other son, Ephraim, is missing. Dan is excluded altogether (Idolatrous - Gen 49:17; Judges 18; 1 kings 12:25-30) 144,000 = 12 x 12 x 1,000 [Covenant people (OT & NT) x # of completeness] The 10 tribes (Northern Kingdom) disappeared after the Assyrian captivity (722 BC) Paul: “all in Christ are Abraham’s seed” Gal 3:29; (cf. Matt 3:9) a) The Complete number of the covenant people (OT & NT) (cf. “full number” 6:11) b) Numbering was done for military purposes in OT (Exod 1:20 ff) – Holy Army
The Great Multitude – “Standing before the throne” (cf. 6:17 “who can stand?”) “Uncountable” – fulfills the promise to Abraham (Gen 22:17; Hos 1:10) “from every nation, tribe, people, language” (cf. Gen 12:1-3; Isa 60:3) Stand “before” the throne and the Lamb – in the inner circle ! ! ! Surrounded by “all the angels”, 4 living creatures, elders – Worshipping. Come through the “great tribulation” – not a special event – suffering. “washed their robes... white” (cf. “clothing stained by corrupted flesh” Jude 23) Protected & blessed forever – Never hunger or thirst; No scorching sun; No more tears Lamb is their shepherd; Springs of Living Water
Seals have been a preview of the unravelling of history Now the scroll is open – Silence: prelude to action. The action begins – Seven Trumpets Incense & Prayer – the pleasing aroma to God. (Ps 141:2) The Dragon and the Beast fight against the Lamb and his servants. The Dragon and the beast have no weapon – death is conquered ! ! !