Chapter 16 The Promise Fulfilled
Introduction God answers prayers in unexpected ways “With God, all things are possible” ~ Matthew 19:26 Israelites prayed for God to send the promised messiah They expected earthly king with riches & great army, a strong leader to drive out the Romans
The Messiah Comes Jesus not the messiah the Israelites expected Ordinary parents, spent most of his time in fishing villages in Galilee People thought he might be their savior when he entered Jerusalem Soon after entering Jerusalem, he was crucified People lost hope again
The Messiah Comes (ctd.) Jesus was a “suffering servant” (described in Isaiah), not a king like David “My kingdom is not of this world.” ~ John 18:36 Humble manger = birthplace of king Poor child = world’s Savior Baby’s birth = announcement of God’s kingdom God’s kingdom starts where no one would have dreamed of looking
Glory to God Gloria in excelsis Deo = Glory to God in the highest Angels sang this to shepherds on night of Jesus’ birth When shepherds saw Jesus, they realized the promise of a messiah had been fulfilled The Glory to God should be prayed loudly, clearly, happily, joyfully