Middle East and North Africa: An Introduction Algeria
Oasis, Sinai Peninsula
Bedouin People, Lebanon
Rub al Khali Desert, Yemen
Physiographic Regions There are diverse features interspersed across the Middle East and North Africa: Mountain Ranges Coastal Lowlands Highland Plateaus Floodplains Deserts Two Crucial River Systems: Tigris-Euphrates in Fertile Crescent Nile (White Nile/Blue Nile) in North Africa
Middle East and North Africa Elevations
Generalized Tectonics of the Middle East
Climate Variable Orographic Rainfall Largely Arid- consider it’s location around 20N
Climate in Middle East and North Africa
Environmental Problems: Deforestation Species extinction Death of oases from overuse Oil pollution Industrial pollution Habitat destruction Salinization of soils due to irrigation Desertification
Rich Cultural Heritage Empires Domestication of plants and animals Extended Family Trade Routes
Ancient Sites of Fertile Crescent
Religion Three major world religions began here: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.
The Islamic World
Family Importance of kinship and tribe.
Contemporary Issues Most contemporary problems stem from two things: 1. Boundaries and borders created by colonial powers 2. Strategic importance of region to political and economic interests of core countries
Oil: Blessing and Curse The study of petroleum provides an example of how places become interconnected politically and environmentally through the movements of commodities. Oil fires in Iraq, 2003
Consider how Middle Eastern and North African countries compare in Gross Domestic Product to other countries.
Why aren’t Middle Eastern and North African countries part of the core?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) OPEC Member Countries Algeria Iran Iraq Venezuela Indonesia Qatar Saudi Arabia Kuwait Libya Nigeria United Arab Emirates
Please understand Goode’s map pp for your exam. Major Petroleum Flows
Everyday Life for Young People in Middle East and North Africa Film: Young Voices from the Arab World Film Questions: Why have families moved? What urbanization problems are mentioned in film? How do people make a living? What is the role of extended family in these stories? How has war impacted the young people in the film?