Pearle conference Tallinn November 2011 Agenda point 7
1. Culture & the EU budget 2. Culture Council work programme 3. Civil society platforms: orientations 4. Mobility
CREATIVE EUROPE ( ) 1,801 billion euros CULTURE Strand MEDIA strandCROSS-SECTORAL strand <500 million CULTURE progr: 400 million >900 million Cinema and audiovisual MEDIA progr: 770mln FINANCIAL FACILITY >210 million Guarantee Fund (access up to 1€ billion in bank loans) TRANSNAT POLICY COOPERATION +-60 million Data/ Audience building / new business models
Preparatory phase Mid-term evaluation current programme Informal process Phase 1 Public consultation September – December 2010 Pearle response! Phase 2 Public meeting February 2011 Phase 3 Experts designated by MS February 2011 Phase 4 Report answers public consultation : 1st Qrt Impact assessment Interservice consultat Phase 5 Proposal 23 November & Adoption EC college Second semester 2011 Phase 6 Co-decision EP & Council 18 – 24 months Phase 7 Agreement by end of 2013 NEW PROGRAMME
See Pearle’s inhouse publication – ways to access EU funds for cultural projects! Other sources : in particular the structural funds (especially European social fund)! also funds in context of neighbourhood policy, foreign affairs and development Don’t forget possibilities in context of research, innovation… “the future will belong to those that will be able to use different sources in a clever way”
Creative Europe1,801 billion Education, training, youth and sport 15 billion European neighbourhood16 billion Development cooperation20 billion Research and innovation80 billion Cohesion policy336 billion
Intercult dialogue Role of public arts and cultural institutions in promotion of better access to and wider participation in culture ….. ( : ) …promotion of cultural diversity CCI Strategic use of EU support programmes ( ) Export and internationalisation support mechanisms Skills & mobility Mobility support programmes ( ) Promotion of creative partnerships
Methodology OMC : Open method of coordination => experts assigned by the ministries of culture Political body: is Cultural Affairs Committee => Prepare the political decisions by the ministers of culture
Access to culture platform Cultural and creative industries Intercultural dialogue Multilingualism
Access to culture Focus on ‘right of citizens’ to culture ▪ WG audience participation : 15 December – workshop on “Access to Culture in a Digital Era : A Citizen’s Right” ▪ New WG on Arts and Human Rights Cultural & creative industries 5 Workshops in 2011: result = recommendations Multilingualism Translation of theatre texts ETC in 2012 conference
PRACTICS project : piloting mobility info points for the cultural sector (BE, NL, ES, UK) PRACTI CS 2 project Countries involved: UK (Wales), Austria, Belgium, Czech rep, France, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Spain Expert group on Mobility Information Systems