1 VAAP Virginia Alternate Assessment Program Fall, 2010
2 Virginia Alternate Assessment Program The Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to evaluate performance of students with significant cognitive disabilities.
3 Virginia Alternate Assessment Program The VAAP is available to students in grades 3 through 8 and students in grade 11 who are working on academic standards that have been reduced in complexity and depth.
4 Beginning the Collection Process Teachers must have a clear knowledge and understanding of the Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL) being assessed. /vaap_va_alt_assessment_prog/index.shtml Use the curriculum framework as resource for the essential skills and knowledge required in each standard. This resource is located at:
5 Various Types of Evidence Various forms of evidence can be demonstrated under the direct supervision of a teacher or other school personnel under testing conditions.
6 Various Types of Evidence Evidence may consist of, but is not limited to: Work Samples Audiotape Videotape Anecdotal Records Interviews Charts/Graphs Captioned Photographs
7 Work Samples Must demonstrate that the student was able to complete the work independently May include graded worksheets, tests, quizzes, student-generated work. Should address all the concepts stated in the ASOL.
8 Videotape/Audiotape Should contain only student- generated work. Teachers or other school personnel are permitted to be on the videotape/audiotape to ask questions or support the student, but responses must be the student’s alone (no note cards or cue sheets).
9 Safeguards for Media Videotape A signed release form that grants permission to use students’ photographs and record their images is required before including a video in the collection of evidence. If a video is used for multiple standards, include a list using the counter. For Example: Math ASOL E-RW1 – Math ASOL E-RC1 – Include a script of the video with the completed SEI tag. Place an SEI tag on the video case.
10 Safeguards for Media Audiotape Audiotapes containing more than one voice should indicate the portions belonging to the student. State the ASOL number and description on the tape prior to the portion of the tape with the student evidence. If the audiotape is used for multiple standards include a brief list using the counter. Include a script of the tape with the completed SEI tag. Place an SEI tag on the audio case. For Example: Mathematics ASOL M-NS3 – Mathematics ASOL M- CE1 –
11 Anecdotal Records Are on-going logs of student performance written by either student or teacher. Should include the date of performance, detailed description of the learning environment, detailed description of observed student performance, and statement of accuracy describing student’s level of achievement on ASOL being defended.
12 Anecdotal Records Observation should be carefully planned to ensure that the student has the best opportunity to demonstrate his or her skill and knowledge.
13 Interviews Format should be concise and precise in design to afford the student the best opportunity to demonstrate what he/she understands about the ASOL addressed. Interview questions should be prepared in advance to ensure that the ASOL content is completely addressed.
14 Interviews Interviews may be videotaped, audio-taped, or submitted as written documents. Interviews should include a statement of accuracy describing the level of achievement on the ASOL being defended. Include a script of the interview with a completed SEI tag.
15 Charts/Graphs Should reflect student skills and/or knowledge and may be generated by teacher or student. Must contain specific information regarding the student’s specific skill, the task that the student was directed to do, the date of the performance, the student’s level of achievement of the ASOL being defended, and level of prompting by teacher, if provided.
16 Captioned Photographs Photograph must be accompanied by a completed SEI tag, a detailed statement that describes the activity occurring, and the student’s level of accuracy for achievement of the ASOL being defended. A signed release form that grants permission to photograph a student is required. Student who is participating in the VAAP should be clearly identified.
17 Submission of Evidence All the evidence submitted for the VAAP must be solely that of the student and must be completed under testing conditions. Evidence submitted should be appropriate to the specific ASOL being assessed. Evidence is rated on Quality -based evidence and not Quantity -based
18 Collection of Evidence Components Collection of Evidence must contain the following components: An Affidavit of Student Performance All locally required documentation ASOL Cover Sheet Evidence that demonstrates student performance
19 Important Reminders Participation counts determine the amount of manuals and SEI tags delivered to your school in mid- September VAAP Implementation Manual Please dispose of all manuals; Use the VAAP Implementation Manual. The manual is a guide primarily for teachers who are providing instruction to students participating in the VAAP. Please make requests for additional manuals and/or SEI tags through your STC or CAR.
20 Important Reminders Required Documentation for VAAP: Affidavit of Student Performance (pg.97) lime Participation Criteria Form (pg. 24) turquoise Content Area Cover Sheet for each CONTENT AREA submitted (pg. 93) yellow Teacher Checklist (pages ) orchid Administrator’s Checklist(pages ) cherry Media Release (if needed, Data Quest- Destination VGLA) pink Scoring Worksheet (pg. 89) blue Binder Cover Sheet (Destination VGLA) peach
21 Important Reminders All Evidence Must: Be GRADED or include a statement of accuracy 3 ways: letter grade, numerical grade or percentage., evaluative comment Include a properly labeled SEI tag Be completed under testing conditions NOT be in a sheet protector
s/vaap_va_alt_assessment_prog/index.shtml VAAP STUDENT EVIDENCE IDENTIFICATION TAG Content Area Mathematics ASOL: M-NS1 Bullet: 22
23 Important Reminders Evidence will NOT be considered in scoring if : Work is copied from blackboard, texts, computers, etc. and is not completed independently by the student. Work is part of a group project and the contribution of the VAAP student is unclear Hand-over-hand assistance is used Inappropriate sources are used (open-book test, homework, etc.) and completion is not under testing conditions.
24 Important Reminders Previously assessed ASOLs cannot be repeated for submission in the Collection of Evidence. To access a list of ASOL’s previously completed by a student: Go to Pearson Access Go to Test Results tab Go to EIMS Reports Go to ASOL Tracking Report There will be no history on previous ASOL’s for Writing and/or History.
25 ASOL & SOL Crosswalk Document Shows each ASOL and the corresponding SOL by SOL number and by grade level alternative_assessments/crosswa lk.pdf
26 What’s New The Virginia Department of Education now requires submission of evidence in all content areas being assessed by SOL tests for general education students at the same grade level. In compliance with this regulation, the VAAP writing assessment (based on 2002 English Standards of Learning) is mandated beginning with the school year.
27 What’s New Beginning in states are required to administer science tests once in elementary school (5 th grade), once in middle school (8 th grade), and once in high school(11 th grade). The expectation is that students participating in the VAAP at these grade levels will submit a collection in science. However, science DOES NOT become part of AYP – unless the school has selected science as their additional indicator.
28 What’s New In , all 4 th graders will take Virginia Studies. This change should be reflected in IEP’s. The History ASOL’s are based on the new 2008 History Standards of Learning. No exemptions should be written into any IEP’s.
What’s New High school students participating in the VAAP are required to submit a Collection of Evidence including the content areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history by the end of their grade 11 school year. 29
30 What’s the Same Focus on individual achievement of ASOL One ASOL (and bullet if appropriate) must be defended in each reporting category. If an ASOL has multiple bullets, students may be assessed only one time on each of the separate ASOL bullets.
32 What’s the Same Evidence No-No’s Group work (unless individual contribution is clearly identified) Copied work Work with examples or directions that give away the answers Evidence without completed SEI tags
33 What’s the Same Scoring Rubric General Scoring Rules
37 6 General VAAP Scoring Rules Rule 1 : Evidence must show individual student achievement If student work shows hand-over- hand instruction, it cannot be considered for scoring and receives a “0” Rule 2 : Evidence must be student-generated Cannot use homework, open-book test or group work (unless individual student’s contribution can be clearly defined)
38 6 General VAAP Scoring Rules Rule 3 : Evidence must include a correctly labeled SEI tag If no tag, cannot be scored If tag is mislabeled, can be corrected and initialed by the SEC prior to scoring Rule 4 : Evidence must include a completed VAAP Content Area Cover Sheet for each content area
39 6 General VAAP Scoring Rules Rule 5 :Evidence must include a signed affidavit or it will not be scored Rule 6 : Evidence must clearly address accommodations, photograph captions, and grading
40 VAAP Program Timeline for Henrico County September/October : Attend VAAP training October 29 : List of students participating in VAAP must be submitted to R&P via your school test coordinator (using School Space drop box) Update information on January 14, End of 1 st 9 weeks : “benchmark assessment” by school-based teams End of 2 nd 9 weeks/1 st semester : “benchmark assessment” by school-based teams; update list of participating VAAP students via test coordinator
41 Timeline continued… End of 3 rd nine weeks : “benchmark assessment” by school-based teams April : Schools will ship VAAP portfolios to Research & Planning based on the C&M delivery schedule. At time of portfolio submission: final list of all students in which VAAP portfolios are being submitted is due upon shipment of VAAPs from your school VAAP Scoring Workshop – May 10-12, 2011
42 For Further information, contact: Policies & Procedures : Yvonne Fawcett, IEP or Eligibility Questions : East Zone: Emily Snead Central East Zone: Brooke Bottari Central West Zone: Kim Coffey West Zone: Susan Grainer Additional Portfolios, SEI tags, or Manuals : Requests for additional materials will only be accepted through your STC or CAR to minimize duplicate requests DOE Contact: Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement (804)